Mats Berg
About me
Professor in Railway Technology (2003- )
Head of the Rail Vehicles unit (2004-2023)
Board member of KTH Railway Group (2007-2024)
Editorial board member of Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit (2006-2023)
Editorial board member of Vehicle System Dynamics (2002-2023)
Board member of the International Association for Vehicle System Dynamics (IAVSD, 2005-2023)
Co-host of the 21st Int. Symposium on the Dynamics of Vehices on Roads and on Tracks, 2009 (IAVSD´09). See also a summary of the symposium and 31 selected papers.
Host of the two-day conference of Nordic Seminar on Railway Technology, 2001 and 2012
Main research interests are vehicle-track dynamic interaction and rail vehicle suspension dynamics as well as rail vehicle energy usage and associated greenhouse gas emissions.
Co-author of three state-of-the-art papers: Challenges in simulation of rail vehicle dynamics (2009), Modelling of suspension components in a rail vehicle dynamics context (2011), Contributions of vehicle dynamics to the energy efficient operation of road and rail vehicles (2021)
Co-author of two chapters in Handbook of Railway Vehicle Dynamics (2nd ed.) (2020)
Co-author of the text books Rail Systems and Rail Vehicles (2018, 650 pages)
Co-author of the text book Rail Vehicle Dynamics (2021, 370 pages)
For other publications, see Publication list
In 2020 ranked among the 2% most cited researchers globally in the field of Mechanical Engineering & Transports
Principal supervisor for the following PhD students: Rohan R Kulkarni (2023), Tomas Karis (2018), Matin Sh Sichani (2016), Babette Dirks (2015), Dirk Thomas (2013), Eric Berggren (2009), Nizar Chaar (2007), Roger Enblom (2006), Ben Diedrichs (2006), Pelle Carlbom (2000), Tomas Jendel (2000).
At KTH since 1993, Associate Professor in 1995, Professor since 2003
Computational Engineer at ABB Atom, Västerås, 1992-1993
Computational Engineer at ABB Traction, Västerås, 1989-1992
Postdoc at University of California at Berkeley, 1987-1988
PhD in Structural Mechanics, Lund University, 1987
MSc in Civil Engineering, Lund University, 1980
Degree Project in Rail Vehicle Engineering, Second Cycle (SD231X), examiner | Course web
Rail Vehicle Dynamics (SD2313), teacher | Course web
Rail Vehicle Technology (SD2307), teacher | Course web
Vehicle System Technology (SD2221), teacher | Course web