Mats Jansson
About me
Master of Engineering, Chemistry 1991, PhD in Nuclear Chemistry 2002
I am a teacher and teach mainly at the Bachelor programme Chemical Engineering, but also some courses at master level.
Applied Chemistry (KH1222), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Applied Physical Chemistry (KH1221), teacher | Course web
Chemical Engineering and Technology 1 (KH1130), teacher | Course web
Chemical Engineering and Technology 2 (KH1231), course responsible, teacher | Course web
Chemical Engineering and Technology 3 (KH1332), teacher | Course web
Chemical Equilibrium (CK1285), assistant | Course web
Degree Project in Chemical Engineering and Technology, First Cycle (KH138X), examiner | Course web
Engineering Skills (KH1150), teacher | Course web
Environmental Technology (KH1341), assistant | Course web
General Chemistry 1 (KH1123), teacher | Course web
General Chemistry 2 (KH1124), teacher | Course web
Nuclear Chemistry (CE2010), teacher | Course web
Transport Processes in Chemical Systems (KE1090), teacher | Course web