Mads Dam
About me
Mads Dam is professor in Teleinformatics at the School of Computer Science and Communication, where he heads the Department of Theoretical Computer Science. Prior to this, Dam headed the Formal Design Techniques Lab at SICS, the Swedish Institute of Computer Science, between 1994 and 2002. Dam has a PhD in computer science from the University of Edinburgh in 1990. He stayed there as a postdoc for an additional three years working on program logics. He has an MSc in Computer Engineering and a BSc in Information technology, both from Aalborg University, Denmark. He has held visiting positions at UNSW, Sydney, Univ. Birmingham, U.K., and Univ. Provence, France. Research interests are in computer security, formal methods, and program logics.
Dam has received awards and grants from a variety of bodies, including two framework grants and a junior individual grant from the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, project grants and a five year research fellowship from VR, the Swedish Research Council, and project grants from Ericsson, Microsoft Research, US Air Force, and Vinnova, the Swedish Innovation Agency. He has also been partner in a number of European projects including HATS, S3MS, VerifiCard, LOMAPS, UaESMC. He is also a founding member of several research centres at KTH, including Access, the CASTOR software research centre and, most recently, the CDIS centre for cyber defence and information security.
Currently, Dam's research focuses on the formal modelling and verification of low level hardware and software execution platforms such as hypervisors and OS kernels and their underlying hardware, for security and application isolation.
Short Course List
Parallel and Distributed Computing DD2443, DD3008 for PhD students
Examiner, course responsible for various individual course codes
- At masters level: DD2443 (parallel and distributed computing), DD2463, DD2465, DD2466, DD2464
- At PhD level: DD3016, DD3017, DD3018, DD3019,
Degree project examiner DA231X, DA233X, DA221X, DA223X, DA224X, DA222X, DA225X, DA226X
PhD course in theorem proving DD3461
Advanced Individual Course in Computer Science (DD2463), examiner, course responsible | Course web
Advanced, Individual Course in Computer Science (DD2465), examiner, course responsible | Course web
Bigger Advanced, Individual Course in Computer Science (DD2464), examiner, course responsible | Course web
Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, Second Cycle (DA231X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, Second Cycle (DA239X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, Second Cycle (DA250X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, specialising in Cybersecurity (DA237X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, specializing in Industrial Management, Second Cycle (DA235X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, specializing in Machine Learning, Second Cycle (DA233X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, specializing in Systems, Control and Robotics, Second Cycle (DA236X), examiner | Course web
Distributed Algorithms (FDD3008), examiner | Course web
Parallel and Distributed Computing (DD2443), teacher, course responsible | Course web
Reading Course in Computer Science for PhD students (FDD3019), examiner | Course web
Reading Course in Computer Science for PhD students 1,5 hp (FDD3016), examiner | Course web
Second Advanced, Individual Course in Computer Science (DD2466), examiner, course responsible | Course web