Patrick Norman
About me
Patrick Norman is Head of the Division of Theoretical Chemistry and Biology and Director of the PDC Center for High Performance Computing at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
His main contributions to research are concerned with the development of state-of-the-art time-dependent molecular response theory methods, and he coordinates the VeloxChem and Gator high-performance computing (HPC) software development and eChem educational initiatives in quantum chemistry.
Other research networks:
- 2023–2026, principal investigator of node in the EU-EIC project Integrated Nano-Photonic Omics Bio-Sensor for Lung Cancer (OMICSENS)
- 2018–2021, principal investigator of node in the EU-ITN project Computational Spectroscopy in Natural Sciences and Engineering (COSINE)
- 2014–2019, coordinator of the KAW network project Strong Field Physics and New States of Matter (CoTXS)
A main theme in his development work has been the formulation of resonance convergent response theory based on the Liouville equation and the Ehrenfest theorem. The resulting equation of motion has been implemented for standard electronic structure theory models, including models for the treatment of environments, and it has been applied to a large number of linear and nonlinear optical and X-ray spectroscopies. For more details, see the PCCP review.
Together with T. Saue and K. Ruud, he has developed a graduate course on Molecular Response Properties that is provided in the form of a week-long international PhD school, most recently in Stockholm (see MRPSS 2023) and scheduled for June 12–16, 2023 again in Stockholm. The course is based on their book titled "Principles and Practices of Molecular Properties: Theory, Modeling and Simulations" (Wiley, 2018).
Computational Chemistry (BB2300), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Biotechnology, First Cycle (BB103X), teacher | Course web
Molecular Quantum Mechanics (CB2070), examiner, course responsible | Course web
Molecular Quantum Mechanics (FCB3202), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Molecular Response Theory and Spectroscopy (FKE3150), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Programming in Python (BB1000), teacher | Course web
Project in Chemistry (KD2905), examiner | Course web
Project in Chemistry (KD2910), examiner | Course web
Project in Mathematical Modelling (CB1020), examiner, course responsible | Course web
Python Programming for Chemical Sciences (CK1310), examiner | Course web
Python for Biotechnology (CB1050), teacher | Course web