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Joakim Riml

Profile picture of Joakim Riml

Associate professor




Researcher ID

About me

Joakim Riml is an Associate Professor in River Engineering and works as a teacher and researcher in the Department of Resources, Energy and Infrastructure at SEED, KTH. His research focuses on contemporary societal challenges linked to hydrology and water resources with an overall focus on how water, energy and solutes move through landscapes and the human and ecological consequences of these flows. Special interests include transport and retention of nutrients in agricultural landscapes, carbon dioxide exports from catchments, changes in runoff patterns linked to geomorphological changes in the landscape and hydropower regulation.


Applied Hydrology (AE2610), teacher | Course web

Degree Project in Hydraulic Engineering, Second Cycle (AF283X), examiner, teacher | Course web

Geoscience (AE1106), teacher | Course web

Geoscience and Geotechnical Engineering (AL1302), teacher | Course web

Hydrology (AE1602), examiner, course responsible | Course web

Introduction to the Planning and Building Process (AI1527), teacher | Course web

Soil and Water (AL1303), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web