Sanna Kuoppamäki
Assistant professor
About me
I am an Assistant Professor in Technology in Health Care, with a PhD in sociology and experience in interdisciplinary research in the design and development of user-centric digital technologies for health and well-being.
My research is focused on investigating the use and design of interactive technologies for healthy ageing with application areas in social robotics, wearable technologies and mobile health. In my research, I develop new approaches and methodologies to design, investigate and evaluate emerging technologies for health and well-being by involving users, such as older adults or children, throughout the design process. I am interested to explore the individual and socially shared practices embedded in the use of new technologies, and the mutual shaping of technologies in everyday life to contribute to more inclusive and transformative technologies. My research is inspired by social practice approach, media and communication studies and participatory design methodologies.
My research has been published in journals such as Telematics and Informatics, Technology in Society, Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, BMC Health Services Research and International Journal of Social Robotics. More information about my work can be found in:
Current projects:
- AI-driven platform care (CareQuAI) (PI, FORTE/MYBL, 2025-2027)
- Adaptive Intelligent Homes (co-PI, Digital Futures, 2024-2025)
- Enhancing older adults' physical activity through inclusive design of interactive wearable sensor devices
(Age-Wear) (PI, Kamprad Family Foundation, 2024-2026) - Use of Conversational AI for digital mindfulness with older adults (LugnAI) (PI, 2023-2025)
Past projects:
- Advanced Adaptive Intelligent Systems (co-PI, Digital Futures, 2021-2024)
- Personalised companion robot for open domain dialogue in long-term elderly care (co-supervisor, 2022-2024)
- Designing AI technology for interdependence with sighted guiding companions (co-supervisor, 2022-2024)
- BCONNECT@HOME – Being Connected at Home: Making use of digital devices in later life (2019-2020)
- Digital Home: Life transitions and digital domestic practices in later life (PI, Finnish Cultural Foundation, Post-doctoral project, 2019-2020)
Research networks:
Entrepreneurship in Technology and Health (CM2008), examiner, course responsible | Course web
Industrial Marketing (HU1801), examiner, teacher | Course web
Sociocultural Perspectives to Innovative Technologies (CM2010), examiner, course responsible | Course web