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Div. Soil and Rock Mechanics - Publications 2020

Journal papers

Moon S, JT Perron, SJ Martel, BW Goodfellow, D Mas Ivars, A Hall, J Heyman, R Munier, J-O Näslund, A Simeonov, AP. Stroeven. (2020) Present-day stress field influences bedrock fracture openness deep into the subsurface. Geophysical Research Letters 47: e2020GL090581.

Spross, J. (2020) Principles of structured risk management in rock engineering. Keynote at the Finnish Rock Mechanics Day 2019,

Massarsch KR, Wersäll C, Fellenius BH et al. (2020) Discussion: Horizontal stress increase induced by deep vibratory compaction. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Geotechnical Engineering, 173(4): 370–375,

Bista, D., Sas, G., Johansson, F., Lia, L. (2020) Influence of location of macro asperities on the shear strength of concrete-rock interfaces under eccentric loading. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 12(3): 449-469.

Zou, L., Håkansson, U., Cvetkovic, V. (2020) Radial propagation of yield-power-law grouts into water-saturated homogeneous fractures. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 130 (2020): 104308.

Zou, L., Håkansson, U., Cvetkovic, V. (2020) Critical analysis of Bingham fluid radial flow in smooth fractures with application to rock grouting. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 12(5): 1112-1118.

Pérez-Rey I., F.G. Bastante, L.R. Alejano and D. Mas Ivars. (2020) Influence of micro-roughness on the frictional behavior and wear response of planar saw-cut rock surfaces. International Journal of Geomechanics 20(8): 04020118. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0001742.

Draganović A., Karamanoukian A., Ulriksen P. and Larsson S. (2020) Dispersion of microfine cement grout with ultrasound and conventional laboratory dissolvers. Construction and Building Materials 251(10): August 2020 119068.

Shahri, A.A., Larsson, S. and Renkel, C. (2020) Artificial intelligence models to generate visualize bed rock level- A case study in Sweden. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 6:1509–1528.

Shamu, T.J., Zou, L., Kotzé, R., Wiklund, J. and Håkansson, U. (2020) Radial Flow Velocity Profiles of a Yield Stress Fluid between Smooth Parallel Disks. Rheologica Acta 59: 239-254.

Castro-Filgueira, U., Alejano, L.R. and Mas Ivars, D. (2020) Particle flow code simulation of intact and fissured granitic rock samples. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 12(5): 960-974.

Zade, S., Shamu, J., Lundell, F. and Brandt, L. (2020) Finite-size spherical particles in a square duct flow of an elastoviscoplastic fluid: an experimental study. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 883, January 2020: A6.

Bjureland, W., Johansson, F., Spross, J., and Larsson S. (2020) Influence on spatially varying thickness on load-bearing capacity of shotcrete. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 98 (2020) 103336.

Larsson, J. and Flansbjer, M. (2020) An approach to compensate for the influence of the system normal stiffness in CNS direct shear tests. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 53: 2185–2199.

Wang, D., Wang, H., Larsson, S., Benzerzour, M., Maherzi, W. and Amar, M. (2020) Effect of basalt fiber inclusion on the mechanical properties and microstructure of cemented clay. Construction and Building Materials 241: 118085.

Massarsch, K. R. and Wersäll, C. (2020) Vibratory plate resonance compaction. ICE - Geotechnical Engineering 173(4): 359–369.

Zou, L., Håkansson, U. and Cvetkovic, V. (2020) Yield-power-law fluid propagation in water-saturated fracture networks with application to rock grouting. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 95, January 2020, 103170.

Hellgren, R., Malm, R., Fransson, L., Johansson F., Nordström, E. and Westberg Wilde. M. (2020) Measurement of ice pressure on a concrete dam with a prototype ice load panel. Cold Regions Science and Technology 170, February 2020, 102923.

Ignat, R., Baker, S., Karstunen, M., Liedberg, S. and Larsson, S. (2020) Numerical analyses of an experimental full scale excavation supported by panels of lime-cement columns. Computers and Geotechnics 118 (2020) 103296.

Wersäll, C., Nordfelt, I. and Larsson, S. (2020) Roller compaction of rock-fill with automatic frequency control. ICE - Geotechnical Engineering. 173(4): 339-347.

Spross, J., Stille, H., Johansson, F. and Palmström, A. (2020) Principles of Risk-Based Rock Engineering Design. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 53: 1129–1143.

Massarsch, K.R., Wersäll, C. and Fellenius, B.H. (2020) Horizontal stress increase induced by deep vibratory compaction. ICE - Geotechnical Engineering 173(3): 228-253.

Wang, D., Gao, X., Wang, R., Larsson, S. and Benzerzour, M. (2020) Elevated curing temperature-associated strength and mechanisms of reactive MgO-activated industrial by-products solidified soils. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology  38:6: 659-671.

Conference Papers

Bjureland, W., Johansson, F., Spross, J. och Larsson, S. (2020) Dimensionering av sprutbetongförstärkning för lösa block med sannolikhetsbaserade metoder (Design of shotcrete support for loose blocks using reliability-based methods). Bergdagarna 2020, Swedish Rock Engineering Association.

Draganović, A., Karamanoukian, A., Ulriksen, P. och Larsson, S. (2020) Dispergering av mikrocement-baserat bruk med ultraljud och med konventionella laboratorieblandare (Dispersion of micro cement based grout with ultra sound and conventional laboratory mixers). Bergdagarna 2020. Swedish Rock Engineering Association.

Spross, J., Gasch, T. och Johansson, F. (2020). Observationsmetoden i ett sannolikhetsbaserat ramverk – utmaningar och möjligheter (Observational method in a reliability-based framework – challenges and opportunities). Bergdagarna 2020. Swedish Rock Engineering Association.

Spross, J., Larsson, S. (2020). Sannolikhetsbaserad dimensionering av överlast med observationsmetoden (Reliability-based design of surcharge loads with the observational method) . Grundläggningsdagen 2020. Swedish Geotechnical Society.

Johansson, J., Park, J., Madshus, C. and Wersäll, C. (2020). Reducing Impact of Vibrations from Compaction on Slope Stability, EURODYN 2020, 23-25 Nov 2020, Athens, Greece.

Saceanu, M.C., Paluszny, A., Zimmerman, R.W. and Mas Ivars, D. (2020) Numerical Modelling of Spalling around a Nuclear Waste Storage Deposition Borehole using a Fracture Mechanics Approach. 54th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium - ARMA2020 (ARMA 20–1396), Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA.

Lira, B., Ekblad, J. and Lundström, R. Influence of aggregate gradation on the permanent deformation of asphalt mixtures. ISBM Lyon 2020: International Symposium on Bituminous Materials.

Figueiredo. B., Sjöberg, J. and Mas Ivars, D. (2020) Use of a fully tensorial approach to characterize the stress variability at Forsmark. 5th International Itasca Symposium – 2020 – Billaux, Hazzard, Nelson & Schöpfer (eds.)  Paper: 12-08 ©2020 Itasca International, Inc., Minneapolis, ISBN 978-0-9767577-5-7in Vienna, Austria.

Potyondy, D.O. and Mas Ivars, D. (2020) Simulating spalling with a flat-jointed material. 5th International Itasca Symposium – 2020 – Billaux, Hazzard, Nelson & Schöpfer (eds.)  Paper: 03-01 ©2020 Itasca International, Inc., Minneapolis, ISBN 978-0-9767577-5-7in Vienna, Austria.

Stille, B., Ríos Bayona, F., Johansson, F., Sjölund, L,. Batres-Estrada, R. and Roslin, M. (2020) Strategy for the permanent technical solution under the Lake Mälaren in the Stockholm Bypass Project. Proceedings of the ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress (WTC 2020), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Ghafar, A.N., Fontana, P., Draganovoc, A. and Larsson, S. On using dynamic grouting to improve grout spread in an artificial fracture. ISRM International Symposium, Eurock 2020 – Hard Rock Engineering, Trondheim, Norway, 14-19 June.

Damasceno, D.R., Spross, J. and Johansson, F. Reliability-based design methodology for lined rock cavern depth using the response surface method. ISRM International Symposium Eurock 2020 – Hard Rock Engineering, Trondheim, Norway, 14-19 June.

Larsson, J., Flansbjer, M., Portal, N.W., Johansson, F., Johnson, E. and Mas Ivars, D. Geometrical quality assurance of rock joint replicas in shear tests – introductory analysis. ISRM International Symposium Eurock 2020 – Hard Rock Engineering, Trondheim, Norway, 14-19 June.

Popular Scientific Articles

Ehrmanntraut, E., Wersäll C., Larsson, S., Massarsch, R. (2021) Vad berättar vibrationer som uppstår vid Jb-sondering om undergrunden? Bygg & Teknik Nr. 1/21.

Massarsch, R., Bodare, A., Wersäll, C. och Larsson, S. (2020) Rock & roll på KTH – 40 år av jorddynamisk forskning. Bygg & teknik 1/20: 12-19.


Lira, B. (2020) Influence of aggregates on  permanent deformation of asphalt. PhD thesis, TRITA-ABE-DLT; 2035. KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm.

Draganović, A., Karamanoukian, A., Ulriksen, P. och Larsson, S. (2020) Dispergering av mikrocement-baserat bruk med ultraljud och med konventionella laboratorieblandare. Stiftelsen bergteknisk forskning, BeFo Raport 206, Stockholm.

De Frias Lopez, R. 2020. DEM Modelling of Unbound Granular Materials for Transport Infrastructures: On soil fabric and rockfill embankments. PhD thesis, TRITA-ABE-DLT; 205KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm.

Baker, S. och Larsson, S. 2020. Numerisk beräkningsmetod för jordförstärkning med skivor av kalkcementskivor. SBUF (Svenska byggbranschens utvecklingsfond) Rapport ID: 127 31.

Mas Ivars D. 2020. Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory. Äspö Pillar Stability Experiment. Three-dimensional mechanical discontinuum modelling of the de-stressing slot drilling at the APSE site. SKB P-17-22. Prepared for: SKB (Swedish Nuclear waste Management Company).

Westberg Wilde, M., Krounis, A., Johansson, F. 2020. Sannolikbaserat ramverk för beslutsstöd – En metodik och en fallstudie. Energiforsk Rapport 2020:642.

MSc theses

Ragnar Andersson and Pierre Wikby. Stochastic Settlement Model Including Creep Effects - Simulation of Groundwater Induced Subsidence. MSc thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm: TRITA-ABE-MBT: 20449. In collaboration with The Swedish Transport Administration.

Sofie Tranblom and Sofie Pöder. Acoustic Soil-Rock sounding - A comparison between measurements on soil and asphalt. In Swedish. MSc thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm: TRITA-ABE-MBT: 20759. Performed as a part of a PhD project at KTH.

Maedeh Alinejad Kordmahalleh. Probabilistic Assessment of Pile Drivability in Swedish Soils. MSc thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm: TRITA-ABE-MBT: 20713. In collaboration with ELU konsult AB in Stockholm.

Antranik Karamanoukian. Dispersion of cement-based grout with ultrasound and conventional laboratory dissolvers. MSc thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm: TRITA-ABE-MBT: 2062. Performed as a part of a research project at KTH.

Clara Garcia De Herreros Garcia. Study of Improved Sampling and Preparation of East-Swedish Glacial Clay. MSc thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm: TRITA-ABE-MBT: 20182. In collaboration with LabMind in Stockholm.

Lovisa Hallman and Malin Karlbom. Geotechnical reinforcement work for foundation of an existing building with an extension of wood. MSc thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm: TRITA-ABE-MBT: 20194. In collaboration with Skanska Grundläggning and Skanska Hus in Stockholm.

Linnea Hermansson and Rebecka Söderberg. Modelling of a compensated foundation in GeoSuite Settlement. MSc thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm: TRITA-ABE-MBT: 20544. In collaboration with Structor Geoteknik Stockholm AB.

Mannix Kihl och Mahta Shahnazarysani. LCA-studie av erosionsskydd: Kan modifikation av bergkross och traditionella betongmadrasser minska klimatpåverkan? MSc thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm: TRITA-ABE-MBT: 20595. In collaboration with Skanska Mark and Skanska Grundläggning in Stockholm,

Matilda Garpefjäll and Hugo Hildingsson. Evaluation of cone factors for CPT-evaluation in CONRAD of sulphide-bearing soil in Mälardalen. MSc thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm: TRITA-ABE-MBT: 20653 . In collaboration with WSP in Stockholm.

Mårten Mjöberg and Axel Stenfors. CPTu Configuration Impact on Evaluated Undrained Shear Strength. MSc thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm: TRITA-ABE-MBT: 20652 . In collaboration with AFRY Infrastructure AB in Stockholm.