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Div. Soil and Rock Mechanics - Publications 2021

Journal papers

Zou, L., Mas Ivars, D., Larsson, J., Selroos, J. O. and Cvetkovic, V. (2021) Impact of shear displacement on advective transport in a laboratory-scale fracture. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 100278

Zou, L., Håkansson, U. and Cvetkovic, V. (2021) Reply to Discussion on ‘Analysis of Bingham fluid radial flow in smooth fractures’, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 13(4): 945-946.

Shamu, J., Zou, L. and Håkansson, U. (2021) An experimental device for measuring radial flow velocity profiles of yield stress fluids between parallel disks. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 82 (December 2021): 102073.

Teng, P., Zhang, S. and Johansson, F. (2021) Numerical modelling of incipient motion of fracture infillings. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 48 (December 2021); 104960.

Zhang, S., Johansson, F. and Stille, H. (2021) Design methodology for grout curtains under dams founded on rock. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering (2021).

Abbaszadeh Shahri, A., Shan, C., Zäll, E., Larsson, S. (2021) Spatial distribution modelling of subsurface bedrock using a developed automated intelligence deep learning procedure: A case study in Sweden. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 13(6): 1300-1310.

Shamu, T.J., Zou, L. and Håkansson, U. (2021) A nomogram for cement-based rock grouting design. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 116: 104110.

De Frias Lopes, R., Larsson, S. And Silfwerbrand, J. A. (2021) Discrete element modelling of rockfill railway embankments. Granular Matter 23:58.

Hov, S., Prästings, A., Persson, E. and Larsson, S. (2021) On empirical correlations for normalised shear strengths from fall cone and direct simple shear tests in soft Swedish clays. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 39: 4843-4854.

Massarsch, K.R., Wersäll, C. and Fellenius, B.H. (2021). Dynamic Ground Response during Vibratory Sheet Pile Driving. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 147(7): 04021043.

Rafi, J. and Stille, H. (2021) A method for determining grouting pressure and stop criteria to control grout spread distance and fracture dilation. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 112: 103885

Massarsch, K.R., Wersäll, C., Fellenius, B.H. and Ehrmanntraut, E. (2021) Bedeutung der Frequenz für das Vibrationsrammen von Spundbohlen. Bautechnik 98 (2021): 1-13.  

Spross, J. and Larsson, S. (2021) Probabilistic observational method for design of surcharges on vertical drains. Geotechnique 71(3): 226–238

Spross, J., Bergman, N. and Larsson, S. (2021) Reliability-based verification of serviceability limit states of dry deep mixing columns.  

Ríos-Bayona, F., Johansson, F. & Mas-Ivars, D. (2021) Prediction of peak shear strength of natural, unfilled rock joints accounting for matedness mased on measured mperture. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 54: 1533–1550

Lira, B., Ekblad, J. and Lundström, R. (2021) Evaluation of asphalt rutting based on mixture aggregate gradation. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 22(5): 1160-1177.

Massarsch, K. R., Wersäll, C. and Fellenius, B. (2021) Liquefaction Induced by Deep Vertical Vibratory Compaction. ICE - Ground Improvement 174(3): 194-205. 

Popular Scientific Articles

Mohammadi, M., Spross, J. (2021) Mot rättvisare riskdelning i tunnelprojekt. Bygg & Teknik Nr. 1/21, 32-35.

Olsson, L., Spross, J., Båtelsson, O. (2021) Behöver riskhantering verkligen vara så krångligt? Bygg & Teknik Nr. 1/21, 36-39.

Viking, K., Garcia Benito, A. (2021). Stoppdrivningskriterier för vibrodriven spont – en blind fläck i regelverket. Bygg & Teknik Nr. 1/21, 46-48.

Ehrmanntraut, E., Wersäll C., Larsson, S., Massarsch, R. (2021) Vad berättar vibrationer som uppstår vid Jb-sondering om undergrunden? Bygg & Teknik Nr. 1/21, 56-59.

Conference papers

Shan, C., Shahri, A.A., Larsson, S., Zäll, E., (2021) Uncertainty analysis of an optimum predictive neural network model in subsurface bedrock level modeling. MLRA202, Mashine Learning and Risk Assessment, Wroclaw, 25 to 28 October 2021.

Shan, C., Shahri, A.A., Larsson, S., Zäll, E., (2021) Artificial intelligence-based models to predict the spatial bedrock levels for geoengineering application. 3rd Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences. CAJG-2020-P856.

Mohammadi, M., (2021) Application of Rock Mass Rating system in underground intersections, The 11th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, October, 2021, Beijing, China.

Mas Ivars D, P Davy, C Darcel, E Lavoine, R Le Goc, D Doolaeghe, R Ghazal, S Emam, (2021) Rock mechanics and DFN models in the Swedish Nuclear Waste Disposal Program. The 11th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, October, 2021, Beijing, China

Larsson, S. (2021) The Nordic dry deep mixing method: Best practice and lessons learned. Deep Mixing - An Online Conference, DFI Deep Foundation Institute. 30 p.

Larsson, S., Nilsson, G. and Jelisic, N. (2021) Development of soil-rock total sounding for production control of dry deep mixing columns. Deep Mixing - An Online Conference, DFI Deep Foundation Institute. 8 p.

Spross, J., Bergman, N. and Larsson, S. (2021) Toward reliability-based serviceability limit state verification. Deep Mixing - An Online Conference, DFI Deep Foundation Institute. 10 p.

Jacobsson L, D Mas Ivars, H A Kasani, F Johansson and T Lam, (2021) Experimental program on mechanical properties of large rock fractures. Eurock 2021, September 20 – 25, Torino, Italy.

Larsson, J. (2021) Experimental investigation of the system normal stiffness of a 5 MN direct shear test setup and the compensation of it in CNS direct shear tests. Eurock 2021, September 20 – 25, Torino, Italy

Ehrmanntraut, E., Wersäll, C., Massarsch, R. (2021) Soil identification by vibration measurements during dynamic penetration testing – a field study. 6th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization, Budapest, 2021.

Javaid MA, JP Harrison, D Mas Ivars and H Kasani. (2021) Assessing heterogeneity of in situ stress for the design of nuclear waste repositories. GeoNiagara 2021 – Creating a Sustainable and Smart Future, September 26-29, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada

Ehrmanntraut, E. and Wersäll, C. (2021) Vibration measurements during soil-rock sounding – a comparison between accelerometers and geophones. BNAM (Baltic-Nordic Acoustics Meeting) 2021.

Lavoine E, P Davy, C Darcel, D Mas Ivars, (2021) An Analysis of Fracture Network Intersections from DFN Models and Data: Density Distribution, Topology, and Stereology. 3rd International Discrete Fracture Network Engineering Conference, Houston, June, 2021, Houston, Texas, USA

Zhang, S and Johansson, F. (2021) On the required thickness of the grout curtain under dams. ICOLD Symposium on Sustainable Development of Dams and River Basins. New Delhi, 24th - 27th February 2021

Ríos Bayona, F., Andersson, E., Johansson, F., Mas Ivars, D. (2021) The importance of accounting for matedness when predicting the peak shear strength of rock joints. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 833 012017

Samuelsson, I., Larsson, S. and Spross, J. (2021) Life cycle assessment and life cycle cost analysis for geotechnical engineering: review and research gaps. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 710: 012031.

Lundberg, A.B., Alderlieste, E.A. and Spross, J. (2021) Risk management and risk acceptance regarding the stability of slopes: Case study. NGM 2021

Wersäll, C. and Persson, A. (2021) Field testing of automatic frequency control for intelligent compaction of embankments. International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics, Chicago 2021.

Reports and theses


Liangchao Zou, Ulf Håkansson, Vladimir Cvetkovic (2021) Analysis of cement grout propagation in fractured rocks / Analys och simulering av cementinjektering i sprickigt berg. BeFo – Rock Engineering Research Foundation, Report 200.

Shamu, J. (2021) Rock grouting design: Rheological aspects and radial flow visualizations with ultrasound. PhD thesis, TRITA-ABE-DLT-2140: Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Zhang, S. (2021) Design of grout curtains under dams founded on rock. Licentiate thesis. TRITA-ABE-DLT ; 2116: Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Mohammadi, M. (2021) Probabilistic time estimation in tunnel projects. Licentiate thesis. TRITA-ABE-DLT; 213: Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Mats Tidlund (2021) Geotechnical risk management using the observational method. PhD thesis. TRITA-ABE-DLT; 2123. Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, s. 271.

Jörgen Larsson (2021) Quality aspects in direct shear testing of rock joints. Licentiate thesis. TRITA-ABE-DLT; 2113. Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2021, s. 38.

Zi-Jun Cao (lead), Jianye Ching, Guo Hui Gao, Mikhail Kholmyansky, Ali Noorzad, Timo Schweckendiek, Johan Spross, Mohammad Tabarroki, Xiaohui Tan, Yu Wang, Tengyuan Zhao, and Yan Guo Zhou. (2021) Chapter 6: Determining characteristic values of geotechnical parameters and resistance: an overview. In: State-of-the-art review of inherent variability and uncertainty in geotechnical properties and models, edited by J. Ching & T. Schweckendiek. Report by TC304 in ISSMGE.

MSc theses

Maya Sleiman. (2021) 2D Modelling of Geosynthetically Reinforced Piled Embanments - Calibration Methods in PLAXIS 2D & Review of Analytical Guidelines.

Jann Ton and Simat Adnan. (2021) Optimization in Design of End-Bearing Concrete and Steel Piles with Regard to Climate Impact: Climate Conscious Material Choices in Early Project Planning.

Emil Johansson and Victor Granlund Hedén. (2021) Numerisk beräkning av krypsättningar i pelarförstärkt lera.

Janita Österberg and Matilda Wessén. (2021) Tunnel seismic prediction (TSP) as a complement to traditional pre-investigation methods in Stockholm Bypass.

Fredrik Bergman and Christian Ramel. (2021) Stabiliserade/solidifierade muddermassor bakom spont i en marin miljö.

Josefin Johansson and Matilda Wennberg. (2021) Suitability of secant piles as a geotechnical foundation at the new bridge Vårbybron.

Karl Bäckström and Andreas Linder. (2021) Fault Tree Analysis of Quick Clay Slides.

Bowen Meng (2021) State of the Art Report on Cement Based Grout Properties and Dynamic Grouting.

Anaëlle Gilot. (2021) Numerical modelling of lime-cement columns in the passive zone of excavations in soft clays.

Joris Langeveld. (2021) Machine learning in quay wall design.

Johanna Dyberg. (2021). Osäkerhetsbedömning av skjuvhållfasthet i lera längs med Göta älv.

Roaa Al Omari and Yasmeen Alali. (2021) Grouting Design Considering Different Geological Conditions - Grout evaluation for the extension of the Blue Metro Line.