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Div. Soil and Rock Mechanics - Publications 2023

Journal papers

Olsson, E., Jegalin, D., Chen, F., and Larsson, S. A numerical framework for modelling settlements of railway ballast layers. Transportation Geotechnics. Article in Press.

Lisjak, A., Mahabadi, O., Johnson Ha, J. and Mas Ivars, D. (2023) Analysis of thermo-mechanical damage around tunnel and deposition boreholes of an underground nuclear waste disposal facility at the Forsmark site (Sweden) by 3D coupled FDEM simulations. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 171: 105586.

De Simone, S., Darcel, C., Kasani, HA, Mas Ivars, D., Davy, P. (2023) Equivalent Biot and Skempton Poroelastic Coefficients for a Fractured Rock Mass from a DFN Approach. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.

Ulfberg, A., Gonzales-Libreros, J., Das, O., Bista, D., Westberg Wilde, M., Johansson, F. and Sas, G. (2023). Probabilistic finite element analysis of failures in concrete dams with large asperities in the rock–concrete interface. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 23, Article number: 109.

Walter, H., Labiouse, V., Lamas, L., Nuijten, G., Spross, J. & Stille, H. (2023). Rock engineering design in tomorrow's geotechnical toolbox: Eurocode 7 – General Rules (EN 1997-1:2024). Geomechanics and Tunnelling, 16(5): 491-509.

Harrison, J.P., Burbaum, U., Lamas, L., Spross, J. & Stille, H. (2023). Rock engineering design in tomorrow's geotechnical toolbox: Perspectives on the evolution to the 2035 third generation of Eurocode. Geomechanics and Tunnelling, 16(5): 560-572.

Stille, H., Ashcroft, B., Boley, C., Labiouse, V. & Pinto, P. (2023). Rock engineering design in tomorrow's geotechnical toolbox: Eurocode 7 – Geotechnical structures: slopes, spread foundations and retaining structures (EN 1997-3:2024). Geomechanics and Tunnelling, 16(5): 524-535.

Maca, N., Dietz, K., Stille, H. & Virely, D. (2023). Rock engineering design in tomorrow's geotechnical toolbox: Eurocode 7 – Geotechnical structures: Anchors, rock bolts soil nails, and groundwater control (EN 1997-3:2024). Geomechanics and Tunnelling, 16(5): 536-558.

Maca, N., Dietz, K., Stille, H. & Virely, D. (2023). Rock engineering design in tomorrow's geotechnical toolbox: Eurocode 7 – Geotechnical structures: Anchors, rock bolts soil nails, and groundwater control (EN 1997-3:2024). Geomechanics and Tunnelling, 16(5): 536-558.

Lidmar, J., Edelbro, C., Vatcher, J. & Spross, J. (2023) Estimation of small failure probabilities using the Accelerated Weight Histogram method. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 74: 103501.

Mohammadi, M., Spross, J. and Stille, H. Models to analyze risk in time and cost estimation of tunneling projects. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Online first articles.

Bismut, E., Cotoarbă, D., Spross, J. and Straub, D. Optimal adaptive decision rules in geotechnical construction considering uncertainty. Geotechnique, Ahead of Print.

Abbaszadeh Shahri, A., Shan, C. and Larsson, S. A hybrid ensemble-based automated deep learning approach to generate 3D geo-models and uncertainty analysis. Engineering with Computers, Latest Articles.

Samuelsson, I., Spross, J. and Larsson, S. Integrating life-cycle environmental impact and costs into geotechnical design. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability, Ahead of Print.

Mohammadi, M., Spross, J. and Stille. H. (2023) Probabilistic time estimation of tunneling projects: The Uri headrace tunnel. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 56: 703–717.

Teng, P., Johansson, F. and Hellström, G. (2023) Modelling erosion of a single rock block using a coupled CFD-DEM approach. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 15(9): 2375-2387.

Doolaeghe, D., Darcel, C., Selroos, J.-O., Mas Ivars, D., Davy, P. (2023) Controls on fracture openness and reactivation in Forsmark, Sweden. Scientific Reports (Nature) (2023) 13:6686.

Estévez-Ventosa, X, Castro-Filgueira, U. González-Fernández, M.A., García-Bastante, F. Mas-Ivars, D. and Alejano, L.R. (2023) Scale effects on triaxial peak and residual strength of granite and preliminary PFC3D models. Geomechanics and Engineering 31(5): 461-476.

Damasceno, D., Spross, J., Johansson, J. (2023) Reliability-based design tool for gas storage in lined rock caverns. Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards,

Hov, S. and Larsson, S. (2023) Strength and stiffness properties of laboratory-improved soft Swedish clays. International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering 9:11.

Larsson, J., Johansson, F., Mas Ivars, D., Johnson, E., Flansbjer, M. and Portal, N.W. A novel method for geometric quality assurance of rock joint replicas in direct shear testing – Part 1: Derivation of quality assurance parameters and geometric reproducibility. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 15(9): 2193-2208.

Larsson, J., Johansson, F., Mas Ivars, D., Johnson, E., Flansbjer, M., Portal, N.W. A novel method for geometric quality assurance of rock joint replicas in direct shear testing – Part 1: Derivation of quality assurance parameters and geometric reproducibility. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 15(9): 2209-2223.

Ehrmanntraut, E., Wersäll, C. and Massarsch, R. (2023) Identification of soil layers and properties by vibration measurements during dynamic penetration testing. ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal 46(2).

Ahmadi, A., Larsson, S. and Wersäll, C. (2023) Scaling granular material with polygonal particles in discrete element modeling. Particuology 75: 151-164.

Spross, J., Gasch, T. and Johansson, F. (2023) Reliability-based alarm thresholds for excavation of shotcrete-supported rock tunnels. Georisk 17(2): 361-375.

Damasceno, D. R., Spross, J. and Johansson, F. (2023) Effect of rock joints on lined rock caverns subjected to high internal gas pressure. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 15(7):1625-1635.

Damasceno, D. R., Spross, J. and Johansson, F. (2023) Rock mass response for lined rock caverns subjected to high internal gas pressure. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 15(1):119-129.

Tidlund, M., Spross, J. and Larsson, S. (2023) Observational Method as Risk Management Tool: the Hvalfjörður Tunnel Project, Iceland. Georisk 17(2): 346-360.

Popular Scientific Articles

Samuelsson, I., Spross, J., Wiklund, U. och Larsson, S. (2023) Geoteknik ur ett livscykelperspektiv. Husbyggaren 1/23: 17-20.

Lindgren, E., Kaneteg, M., Bergman, S. och Fransson, J. (2023) Vi måste börja blicka nedåt i klimatberäkningar. Bygg & Teknik Nr. 1/23: 16-19.

Stener, J., Ebenhardt, D., Beijer Lundberg, A. och Larsson, S. (2023) Dimensionering av korta pålar – pelare eller pålar med sidomotstånd? Bygg & Teknik Nr. 1/23: 20-23.

Håård, A., Viking, K., Johansson, J. och Larsson, S. (2023) Tågtrafik i ”överjordshastighet” Bygg & Teknik Nr. 1/23: 24-28.

Norberg, K., Ahmadi, A., Wersäll, K., Dahlberg, J. och Larsson, S. (2023) Effektiv utformning av övergångszoner – mot ett minskat underhållsbehov av ballastfria spår. Bygg & Teknik Nr. 1/23: 30-33.

Olsson, L., Spross, J, och Båtelsson, O. (2023) Nytt verktyg hjälper till att strukturera riskerna. Bygg & Teknik Nr. 1/23: 34-39.

Wersäll, C., Baker, S. och Zackrisson, P. (2023) Är Ev2-modulen något att räkna med? Bygg & Teknik Nr. 1/23: 40-45.

Conference papers

Cotoarbă, D., Bismut, E., Spross, J., Straub, D. 2023. Data-driven uncertainty reduction in geotechnical engineering: optimal preloading of a road embankment. In: Proceedings of ICASP14, Dublin, July 9-13, 2023.

Spross, J., & Lidmar, J. Dirichlet Distribution for Tunnel Construction Class Proportions in Probabilistic Time and Cost Estimations. Geo-Risk 2023, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication (GSP) 346: 111-120. 

Edelbro, C., Hellberg, J., & Spross, J. Mining Applications for Probabilistic Design. Geo-Risk 2023, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication (GSP) 346: 93-101. 

Cannizzaro, C., Alinejad, M., Beijer-Lundberg, A., Larsson, S., & Spross, J. Effect of Uncertainty in Design Decisions for Driven Piles in Soil with High Boulder Content. Geo-Risk 2023, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication (GSP) 347: 268-276.

Cannizzaro, C., Beijer-Lundberg, A., Larsson, S. and Spross, J. (2023) Pile drivability assessment in soil with high boulder content. Grundläggningsdagen 2023. SGF - Swedish Geotechnical Society.

Spross, J. och Stille, J. (2023) Geotekniska bedömningsgrunder (GBR): Ett verktyg för tydligare riskdelning i kontrakt. Bergteknikdagen 2023, Svenska Bergteknikföreningen.

Conference papers Accepted

Rios Bayona F., Johansson F., Mas Ivars F., Nilsson C-O. A possible way forward to predict the peak shear strength of a natural, unfilled rock joint under concrete dams based on field data. 15th ISRM International Congress on Rock Mechanics Symposium, October 2023, Salzburg, Austria.

Mohammadi, M., Spross, J. Risk model for understanding uncertainty in time and cost estimation in different tunnel project phases. Under­ground Construction Prague 2023.

Mohammadi, M. and Spross, J., On the uncertainty of activity durations for probabilistic time estimation of tunneling projects, 15th ISRM International Congress on Rock Mechanics Symposium, October 2023, Salzburg, Austria.

Teng P., Hellström G., Johansson F. and Nilsson C-O. Modelling of erosion in rock spillway channels. Canadian Dam Association Conference, October 2023, Winnipeg, Canada.

Mohammadi, M. State-of-the-art of research on mechanized tunneling in soil and its future perspective. Geotechnics for Sustainable Infrastructure Development - Geotec Hanoi 2023, Vietnam.


Johan Spross, Elizabeth Bismut, Dafydd Cotoarbă, Daniel Straub. (2023) BIG webbinarium 24 mars 2023: Beslutsteori i geotekniken.

Mohammad Mohammadi. (2023) Time and cost estimation: Time to act!. Bergmekanikdagen, Stiftelsen Bergteknisk Forskning (BeFo)

Johan Spross. (2023) Geotekniska bedömningsgrunder (GBR): ett verktyg för tydligare riskdelning i kontrakt. Bergteknikdagen 2023, Svenska Bergteknikföreningen.

Fredrik Johansson. (2023) Verifiering av analytisk modell för valvstabilitet. BeFo webbinarium 5 April 2023.


Hoeft M., Kronsell S., Manzoor S., Johansson F., Gustafson A., von Haslingen T., Eriksson K. (2022) Byggautomation och robotar inom anläggningsbyggande -  en rapport från Nationellt nätverk för Byggautomation. SBUF Rapport 13882.

Ahmadi, A. (2023) Discrete element technique for modeling high-speed railway tracks. Licentiate thesis, KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Soil and Rock Mechanics, TRITA-ABE-DLT ; 2320.

Samuelsson, I. (2023) LCA and LCCA in the design of geotechnical engineering works. Licentiate thesis, KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Soil and Rock Mechanics, TRITA-ABE-DLT ; 2310.

MSc theses

Jesper Spång. Vinnare 2023 av Bergmekanikdagens pris för bästa examensarbete 2022: Utvärdering av larmgränser för extensometermätningar vid bergbyggande
– En fallstudie vid Henriksdals reningsverk.

Alexander Kote and Sohaib Ishaq (2023) Pillar stability between parallell tunnels.

Ida Olsen Norgren and Johan Lüning (2023) Analysis of settlements by 3D modelling of a test embankment on MC-column improved clay. In Swedish.

Elin Hafstad and Gerd Waldheim (2023) Climate impact of stability-enhancing measures for Quay constructions. In Swedish.

Staffan Norrthon Risberg och Naima Ozims (2023) Analytical models for calculating frost loads against sheet pile constructions. In Swedish.