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Div. Soil and Rock Mechanics - Publications 2024

Journal papers


1.     Mohammadi, M. Vandyousefi, H., Askari, M. and Spross J. Modelling construction performance variability for probabilistic time estimation of tunneling projects. Accepted for publication in Georisk.

2.     Farajollahi, H., Mohammadi, and Khosravi, M.H. The Applicability of Rock Bolt Supporting Factor based on Rock Mass Behavior: A Case Study of Alborz Tunnel. Journal of Mining and Environment, In press. 10.22044/jme.2024.14405.2697.

3.     Zou, L., Mas Ivars, D. and Cvetkovic, V. (2024) Impact of multiscale surface roughness on shear behavior of rock fractures. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 153, 105974.

4.     Saceanu, M.C., Adriana, P., Mas Ivars, D and Zimmerman, R.W. (2024) Thermo-mechanical modelling of spalling around the deposition boreholes in an underground nuclear waste repository during its thermal phase. International Journal of Rock Mechanics And Mining Sciences: 183: 105898.

5.     De Simone, S., Darcel, C., Kasani, H.A., Mas Ivars, D. and Davy, P. (2024) The Impact of Size-Dependent and Stress-Dependent Fracture Properties on the Biot and Skempton Coefficients of Fractured Rocks. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 57: 8929-8950.

6.     Lavoine1, E., Davy, P., Darcel, C., Mas Ivars, D., Hossein, A. and Kasani, A. (2024) Assessing Stress Variability in Fractured Rock Masses with Frictional Properties and Power Law Fracture Size Distributions. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 57: 2407-2420.

7.     Pérez-Rey, I., Muñiz-Menéndez, M., Frühwirt, T., Konietzky, H., Jacobsson, L., Perras, M.A., Atefi-Monfared, K., Mas Ivars, D., Juncal, A.S. and Alejano, L.R. (2024) Assessment of Direct Tensile Strength Tests in Rock Through a Multi-laboratory Benchmark Experiment. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 57: 3617–3634,

8.     Libby, S., Hartly, L., Turnbull., R., Cottrelli, M., Bym, T. Josephson, N., Munier, R., Selros, L-O. and Mas Ivers, D. (2024 Exploring the impact of fracture interaction on connectivity and flow channelling using grown fracture networks. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology 57(1): qjegh2023-010.

9.     Darcel, C., Le Goc, R., Lavoine, E., Davy, R,m Mas Ivars, D., Sykes, E. and Kasani, A. (2024) Coupling stress and transmissivity to define equivalent directional hydraulic conductivity of fractured rock. Engineering Geology 342 107739.

10.  Mohammadi, M. and Spross, J. (2024) Probabilistic time estimation of tunnels constructed with multiple headings. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 153: 106013

11.  Ahmadi, A., Wersäll, C. and Larsson, S. (2024) Impact of particle arrangement and model dimensions on DEM modeling of high-speed railway ballasted tracks in 2D and 3D. Transportation Geotechnics 47: 101272.

12.  Gonzalez-Fern, M.A., Estévez-Ventosa, X., Pérez-Rey, I., Alejano, L.R. and Masoumi, H. (2024) Size effects on strength and deformability of artificially jointed hard rock. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 176 (2024) 105696

13.  Gui, JY., Alejano, L.R., Cano, M., Javier Arzúa, J. and Pérez‑Rey, I. (2024). Analytical and experimental studies on toppling behavior of blocks misaligned with the slope face. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 83, 153.

14.  Abbaszadeh Shahri, A., Shan, C., Larsson, S. and Johansson, F. (2024) Normalizing large scale sensor-based MWD data: An automated method toward a unified database. Sensors 24(4): 1209. 

15.  Samuelsson, I., Spross, J. and Larsson, S. (2024). Integrating life-cycle environmental impact and costs into geotechnical design. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability 177(1): 19-30.

16.  Pérez-Rey, I., Muñiz-Menéndez, M., Frühwirt, T., Konietzky, H., Jacobsson, L., Perras, M., Atefi-Monfared, K., Mas Ivars, D., Sánchez-Juncal, A., Alejano, L.R. (2024) Assessment of direct tensile strength tests in rock through a multi-laboratory benchmark experiment. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (2024).

17.  Olsson, E., Jegalin, D., Larsson, S., and Chen, F. (2024). A numerical framework for modelling settlements of railway ballast layers. Transportation Geotechnics 44: 101140.

18.  Mohammadi, M., Spross, J., and Stille, H. (2024) Models to analyze risk in time and cost estimation of tunneling projects. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 42: 1445–1457.

19.  Bismut, E., Cotoarbă, D., Spross, J., and Straub, D. Optimal adaptive decision rules in geotechnical construction considering uncertainty. Geotechnique, Ahead of Print.

20.  Damasceno, D. R., Spross, J., Johansson, F. (2024) Reliability-based design tool for gas storage in lined rock caverns. Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards 18(2): 410-422.

21.  Libby, S., Hartley, L., Turnbull, R., Cottrell, M., Bym, T., Josephson, N., Munier, R., Selroos, J.-O., & Mas Ivars, D. (2024). Exploring the impact of fracture interaction on connectivity and flow channelling using grown fracture networks. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology 57(1): qjegh2023-010.

22.  Cristóbal, A., Rigueira, X., Pérez-Rey, I., Estévez-Ventosa, X., Pazo, M., Napoli, M.L., Currás, B.X. and Alejano, L.R. (2024) Automatic Characterization of Block-In-Matrix Rock Outcrops through Segmentation Algorithms and Its Application to an Archaeo-Mining Case Study. Geosciences 14, 29.


Popular scientific articles


Bergholm, A., Rydhäll, E., Johansson, F. och Larsson, S. (2024) Tunnelbyggande vid partiell bergtäckning. Bygg & Teknik Nr. 1/24: 20-23.


Ozims, N., Risberg, S., Beijer Lundberg, A. och Larsson, S. (2024) Tjällaster – ett svåruppskattat problem. Bygg & teknik Nr. 1/24: 28-31.


Conference papers published/accepted


1.     Dyberg, J., Johansson, F. and Westberg Wilde, M. (2024) Influence of uplift on the probability of sliding failure for concrete buttress dams. Symposium “Dams for People, Water and Environment and Development” – 92nd ICOLD Annual Meeting, New Delhi, India.

2.     Beijer-Lundberg A., Brinck, M., Stigenius K., Alderman. F., Larsson S. (2024) Modelling the pereability of a jetgrouted cut-off wall. 19th Nordic Geotechnical Meeting – Göteborg.

3.     Stener J., Ebenhardt D., Beijer-Lundberg A. and Larsson S. (2024) Design methods for short slender steel piles in clay.19th Nordic Geotechnical Meeting – Gothenburg.

4.     Hafstad, E., Waldheim, G., Beijer Lundberg, A. and Larsson, S. The use of LCA in a slope stability study for a quay remediation assessment. XVIII ECSMGE 2024, Lisbon.

5.     Håård, A., Johansson, J., Viking, K. and Larsson, S. Evaluation train induced ground vibration boom with Vibtrain. XVIII ECSMGE 2024, Lisbon.

6.     Lisjak A., Mahabadi, O., Ha J., Mas-Ivars, D. (2024)  Numerical Prediction of Thermo-Mechanical Spalling Around a Deep Nuclear Waste Repository in Crystalline Rock. ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-2024-1213.

7.     K Mosley, L Hartley, R Turnbull, M Cottrell, T Bym, D Mas Ivars (2024) Simulation of coupled THMC processes in fractured rocks using a dual-media approach. ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-2024-0682

8.     Zou, L., Johansson, F., Mas Ivars, S. and Cvetkovic, V. (2024) Analysis of repeated direct shear on a mated rock fracture, Proceedings of the ISRM Rock Mechanics Symposium, EUROCK 2024, CRC Press/Balkema , 2024, p. 766-771

9.     Lavoine, E., Darcel, C., Mas Ivars, D. and Kasani, H.A. (2024) Using synthetic rock mass and discrete fracture network approaches to study rock mass strength properties. ISRM Rock Mechanics Symposium, EUROCK 2024, CRC Press/Balkema, pp. 899-902

10.  S De Simone, C Darcel, H Kasani, D Mas Ivars, P Davy (2024) The impact of fractures on the Biot and Skempton coefficients of fractured rocks. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 11408.

11.  Cannizzaro, C., Beijer-Lundberg, A., Larsson, S. and Spross, J. (2024) On the probability of boulder encounter for piles driven in glacial till. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization, Barcelona, pp. 1746-1753.

12.  Spross, J., Grasmick, J. and Papaioannou, I. (2024) Toward probabilistic ground models for time and cost estimation of tunnel projects. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization, Barcelona, pp. 1801-1806.

13.  Ahmadi, A., Wersäll, C., and Larsson, S. (2024) DEM simulation of long railway tracks through utilizing periodic boundaries. 6th Itasca Symposium on Applied Numerical Modeling in Geomechanics, Toronto, paper 12-4.





1.     Shan, C., Shahri, AA., Larsson, S. and Johansson, F. (2024). Automated MWD data processing and unified database building (Automatiserad MWD databehandling och uppbyggnad av en enhetlig database). BeFo Report 242, Rock Engineering Research Foundation. R 242 (

2.     Mohammadi, M. (2024) Risk Management in Tunneling Projects: Estimation and Planning. Doctoral thesis, TRITA-ABE-DLT ; 248, Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

3.     Mohammadi, M. (2024) Risk management in tunneling projects: estimation and planning. BeFo Report 227B, Rock Engineering Research Foundation,

4.     Ghafar, A.N., Draganovic, A. and Larsson, S. (2024) An experimental study to measure grout penetrability, improve the grout spread, and evaluate the Real Time Grouting Control theory. BeFo Report 181, Rock Engineering Research Foundation.

5.     Bjureland, W. (2024) Reliability-based design of rock tunnel support. BeFo Report 209, Rock Engineering Research Foundation.

6.     Draganović, A., Håkansson, U. and Funehag, J. (2024) Ulf Håkansson, Johan FunehagOm mätningen av reologi hos cementbaserade injekteringsmedel. BeFo Report 199, Rock Engineering Research Foundation.

7.     Johansson, F. and Svartsjaern. M. (2024) Verifiering av analytisk modell för beräkning av valvstabilitet. BeFo Report 245, Rock Engineering Research Foundation.


Book reviews


1.     Spross, J. 2024. Book Review: “Uncertainty, Modeling, and Decision Making in Geotechnics. Edited by Kok-Kwang Phoon, Takayuki Shuku, and Jianye Ching. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press (an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group), 2024. 502 pp. ISBN: 978-1-032-36749-1 (hbk), ISBN: 978-1-032-36750-7 (pbk), ISBN: 978-1-003-33358-6 (ebk)”. Structural Safety, 109, 102455. DOI:

2.     L Zou, F Johansson, DM Ivars, V Cvetkovic (2024) Analysis of repeated direct shear on a mated rock fracture. New Challenges in Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 766-771.

3.     E Lavoine, C Darcel, DM Ivars, HA Kasani, P Davy (2024) Using synthetic rock mass and discrete fracture network approaches to study rock mass strength properties. New Challenges in Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 898-902.



MSc theses


Rooh Angiz Alamarvdashti.LCA and LCCA in geotechnical engineering design in a road construction. MSc thesis.


Staffan Norrthon Risberg and Naima Ozims. Vinnare av Svenska Geotekniska föreningens pris för bästa examesarbete 2024.


Deborah Nasoz. Incorporating horizontal hydraulic conductivity from dissipation tests in settlement calculations.