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Div. Soil and Rock Mechanics – Publications 2018

Journal papers

Stille, H. and Palmstrøm, A. (2018) Practical use of the concept of geotechnical categories in rock engineering. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 79: 1–11.

Spross, J., Stille, H., Johansson, F. and Palmstrøm, A. (2018) On the Need for a Risk-Based Framework in Eurocode 7 to Facilitate Design of Underground Openings in Rock. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (2018).

Wonglert, A., Jongpradist, P., Jamsawang, P. and Larsson, S. (2018) Bearing capacity and failure behaviors of floating stiffened deep cement mixing columns under axial load. Soils and Foundations 58(2): 446-461

Spross, J., Olsson, L. & Stille H. (2018) The Swedish Geotechnical Society’s methodology for risk management: a tool for engineers in their everyday work. Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards 12(3): 183-189.

Wersäll, C., Nordfelt, I. and Larsson, S. (2018) Resonant roller compaction of gravel in full-scale tests. Transportation Geotechnics 14: 93–97.

Nejad G, A., Ali Akbar, S., Al-Naddaf, M., Draganovic, A. and Larsson, S. (2018) Uncertainties in Grout Penetrability Measurements; Evaluation and Comparison of Filter pump, Penetrability meter and Short slot. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering  36(2): 747–762.

Dinegdae, Y.H. and Birgisson, B. (2018) Effects of truck traffic on top-down fatigue cracking performance of flexible pavements using a new mechanics-based analysis framework. Road Materials and Pavement Design 19(1): 182–200.

Zou, L., Håkansson, U., and Cvetkovic, V. (2018) Two-phase cement grout propagation in homogeneous water-saturated rock fractures. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 106: 243-249.

Davy, P., Darcel, C., Le Goc, R. and Mas Ivars, D. (2018) Elastic Properties of Fractured Rock Masses with Frictional Properties and Power Law Fracture Size Distributions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123(8): 6521–6539.

Popular Scientific Articles

Shahri, A., Spross, J., Johansson, F. och Larsson, S. (2018) Kartering av skredbenägenhet med artificiell intelligens. Bygg & teknik, 1/18.

Wersäll, C., Nordfelt, I. och Larsson, S. (2018) Effektivare packning med nya insikter. Bygg & teknik, 1/18

Hov, S., Persson, E., Prästings, A. och Larsson, S. (2018) Korrelationer mellan odränerad skjuvhållfasthet och förkonsolideringstryck i leraBygg & teknik, 1/18. 

Conference papers

Ríos Bayona. F,, Stigsson. M,, Johansson, F. and Mas Ivars, D. (2018) Comparison between shear strength based on Barton’s roughness profiles and equivalent synthetic profiles based on fractal theory. In: 52nd US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Seattle, Washington, 2018. American Rock Mechanics Association.

Wersäll, C., Nordfelt, I. and Larsson, S. (2018) Roller compaction of rock-fill with automatic frequency control. Extended abstract. In Proceedings of the Anniversary Symposium – 40 Years of Roller Integrated Continuous Compaction Control (CCC), 97-100.

Massarsch, K. R. and Wersäll, C. (2018) Vibratory plate resonance compaction. Extended abstract. In Proceedings of the Anniversary Symposium – 40 Years of Roller Integrated Continuous Compaction Control (CCC), 127-130.

Westberg Wilde, M., Johansson, F., Rios Bayona, F., Altarejos-Garcia, L. (2018) Theme D - Syntheis: Risk analysis – assessment of reliability for concrete dams. 14th International Benchmark Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Dams, TRITA-ABE-RPT-1802001: 482-507.

Shahri, AA., Spross, J., Johansson, F. and Larsson, S. (2018) Storskalig kartering av skredbenägenhet i västra Götaland med artificiell intelligens. Grundläggningsdagen 15 mars 2018: 107-113.

Hov, S., Eriksson,. H. and Wersäll, C. (2018) Dynamic Compaction of Rockfill on Land and under Water at Stockholm Norvik Port. Proceeding of the 2018 DFI-EFFC International Conference on Deep Foundations and Ground Improvement, Rome, Italy, (DFI, EFFC). Article #3047; publication #1040 (ROME-2018).

Johansson. F., Westberg Wilde, M., Krounis, A., Spros, J. and Rios Bayona, F. (2018) Some recent developments in reliability based assessments for concrete dams. 26th ICOLD World Congress, Vienna, Volume: Q101, R78.

Ríos Bayona, F., Stigsson, M., Johansson, F. and Mas Ivars, D. (2018) Comparison between shear strength based on Barton’s roughness profiles and equivalent synthetic profiles based on fractal theory. ARMA, American Rock Mechanics Association, ARMA 18–022.

Darcel, C., Davy, P., Le Goc, R. and Mas Ivars, D. (2018) Rock mass effective properties from a DFN approach. ARMA, American Rock Mechanics Association, DFNE 2018 – 780.

Davy, P., Darcel, C., Le Goc, R., Munier, R., Selroos, J.O. and Mas Ivars, D. (2018) DFN, why, how and what for, concepts, theories and issues. ARMA, American Rock Mechanics Association, DFNE 18–310.

Ghafar, A.N., Draganovic, A., Johansson, F. and Larsson, S. (20018) Recent advances in measurement of grout penetrability, improvement of grout spread, and evaluation of RTGC theory. Bergdagarna 2018, BeFo - Swedish Rock Engineering Association.

Stille, H. (2018) “Rock grouting-theories in practical application”. ISRM (International Society of Rock Mechanics) invited 22nd ISRM Online Lecture. Can be accessed in a dedicated webpage

Books, theses and reports

Ignat, R. (2018) Ground Improvement by Dry Deep Mixing Lime-Cement Column Panels as Excavation Support. Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, PhD thesis,TRITA-ABE-DLT; 1834.

Larson, S., Nilsson, G and Jelisic, N. (2018) Development of Jb-Total Sounding for control of lime-cement columns. The construction industry's organisation for research and development, SBUF Report ID 12947. In Swedish.

Johansson, F., Spross, J., Damasceno, S., Johansson, J. and Stille, H. (2018) Investigation of research needs regarding the storage of hydrogen gas in lined rock caverns: Prestudy for Work Package 2.3 in HYBRIT Research Program 1. TRITA-ABE-RPT; 182, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

De Frias Lopez, R., Olsson, E., Jelagin, D. and Larsson, S. (2018) DEM model for high-speed railway embankments. Report BIG project A2016:2.

MSc theses

Elizaveta Pronina (2018) Evaluation of Real Time Grouting Control Theory Using a Varying Aperture Long Slot- VALS. Download here.

Fredrik Jansson and Nils Nilsson (2018) Buckling of End-Bearing Retaining Walls in Clay. Download here.

Haftom Tesfay (2018) Vibration caused by sheet pile driving – effect of driving equipment. Download here.

Hulumtaye Kefyalew (2018) Settlement calculation for lime/cement column improved clay - Analytical and numerical analyses related to a case study. Download here.

Louise Larsson (2018) Slope Stability Evaluation from a Risk Management.  Perspective: Case Study: the Slussen project in Stockholm. Download here.

Maximiliam Klaube (2018) Spatial variability of shotcrete thickness. Download here.

Paul Rios Alarcon och Mohammad Areida (2018) Statistical analysis of heavy traffic: Study of the actual scope of traffic loads - based on BWIM-measurements. In Swedish. Download here.

Robabeh Hosseini and Irwing Steven Yalta Gonzales (2018) Application of Dynamic Grouting to Improve the Grout Spread Using Varying Aperture Long Slot (VALS). Download here.

Tobias Nilsson och Sofie Johansson (2018) Kapacitetsuppföljning av genomförd spontdrivning. Download here.

Viktoria Clarin (2018) An approach towards a simplified joint mapping of drill cores. In Swedis. Download here.

Yukun Wei (2018) Slope stability assessment through field monitoring. Download here.

Lea Pilipovic (2018) Riskhantering vid infrastrukturbyggande - En fallstudie från ett vägprojekt inom Förbifart Stockholm, Hjulsta Norra. Download here