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FIB-SEM FEI Nova 200 Nanolab (Albanova)

FEI Nova 200 Nanolab is the versatile high-resolution FIB-SEM (Dual Beam) system. It is equipped with a motorized stage, in-lens and SE detectors, Pt GIS (gas injection system), a pair of Kleindeck micromanipulators, Oxford Ultim Max 40 detector with AZtec live software and 4 x 14 strand electrical connectors to sample stage.

FEI Nova 200 Nanolab.
FEI Nova 200 Nanolab, KTH.

Booking page FEI Nova 200 Nanolab

Main contact person: Erik Holmgren ( ).

Location: Roslagstullsbacken 21, Albanova Nanolab

Read more: Albanova Nano-Fab-Lab FEI Nova 200

Department of Applied Physics, Division of Nanostructure Physics .