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Course PM

* PRO1 - Project 1, 4.5, grade scale: P, F
* PRO2 - Project 2, 3.0, grade scale: P, F
The course consists of one project divided into two parts, PRO1, 4,5 hp, and PRO2, 3 hp. To obtain the grade passed in the course, submission of all assignments and active participation at a minimum of 80% is required at all work-shops, lectures, tutorials and reviews.

Digital submissions PRO1 consists of the tutorials and PRO1 review below.

- Tutorial no. 1

- Tutorial no. 2

- Tutorial no. 3

- Tutorial no. 4

- PRO1 review: For the review of PRO1 all the material from the Tutorial 1 through 4 is to be organised and presented in a logical and attractive manner where graphic language and form as well as the selection of content support the concept and design. The aim of the review is to create a clear thread of communication in order to test the strength of your work.

PRO2 consists of the tutorials, PRO2 review, reflection and book review below.

- Tutorial no. 5

- Tutorial no. 6

- Tutorial no. 7

- Tutorial no. 8

- PRO2 review: For the review of PRO2 all the material from the Tutorial 1 through 8 is to be organised and presented in a logical and attractive manner where graphic language and form as well as the selection of content support the concept and design. The aim of the review is to create a storyline and a clear thread of communication in order to test the strength of your work.

- REF summary: For the review of REF (Reflection), all the documentation of the project process should be presented. This review is solely about the design process, that is what has driven the process and how.

- Book review: Write a review of the book "Creating effective teams" by Susan A Wheelan or another book about team work and relate the author´s theories to your own group´s design process, i.e. the REF presentation that you did together with your group. The book review is individual work and should be uploaded here.

Reviews The purpose of the reviews is to practice different forms of presentation and feed-back as well as to test the strength of your work. Therefore the reviews will be of different character. Absence from reviews will result in an additional assignment.

Assignment HT2016 Today, design can not be separated from an understanding of basic sustainability concepts. Ecological, economic and social filters are applied onto your ideas at all stages of the design process by the user, by the client, by the desicion makers, by you. Is your design feasible from an economic perspective? Is it affordable for everyone? How is the environment affected by your design? Etc.

Social sustainability is the least researched of the three main areas of sustainability. In this course we will touch upon economy and ecology, but our main focus will be social sustainability and the interpretation thereof.

The UN Development Programme publishes a yearly HDI, Human Development Index, which is a composite statistic of life expectancy, education and per capita income indicators. It clearly shows the inequality in our world, making it easy to zoom out to a planetary scale. But what about social inequality here in Sweden?

Your assignment is to imagine and portray a future scenario of Swedish society in the year of 2050. Based on your scenario you are to identify areas of social exclusion that must be improved. Finally you are to develop an innovative project that supports social sustainablility.

Mandatory course literature Creating Effective Teams, A Guide for Members and Leaders by Susan A Wheelan, or another book about team-work.

At course start the following texts should be read:



http://goteborg.se/wps/wcm/connect/c62d9e004a2fb920b8dfbfadc899f744/Artikel+om+social+hållbarhet.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=c62d9e004a2fb920b8dfbfadc899f744¶ Additional literature will be decided upon by the tutor in relation to each group's concept.

Important Vi kommer under projektets gång att arbeta med flera olika kreativa metoder. Då vi har ett begränsat tidsspann kommer upplägget att te sig linjärt. Dock är det viktigt att påpeka att den kreativa processen sällan är linjär eller går att tidsplanera. Med detta i bakhuvudet, se till att alltid ha anteckningsmöjligheter.

Misströsta inte heller om ni under projektets gång ser att ni måste backa flera steg eller “börja om”. Ibland händer det också att man först hamnar i slutet för att sedan behöva nysta upp och se var början ligger.

Vi kommer att djupdyka i designprocessens initiala faser, samtidigt som det är viktigt att förstå att designprocessen inte slutar då produkten eller tjänsten hamnar hos en tillverkare eller operatör.

Ert materialet ska fortlöpande struktureras och formatteras, parallelt med projektutvecklingsarbetet, så att det är förståeligt och går att presentera för en utomstående person. Alla tankar och allt arbete måste på något sätt översättas till kommunicerbart material, det kan vara objekt/modeller, text, bilder, diagram, etc.

Då examinationen baseras på processen ska allt arbete sparas och dokumenteras. Sista inlämningsuppgiften utgår från allt skissarbete - se Reflektion i slutet av detta dokument.

Lycka till!