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Please up-load your material under your group number in Submission of PRO1 no later than 09:00 on Tuesday the 20/9. Fine tuning and alignment of all material in preparation for the review of PRO1 PRO1 is an alignment, a verbal and visual (images, diagrams, film, graphic design, etc.) explanation of the material that you have produced during Tutorial 1-3. Make sure that your material follows a red thread. Kill your darlings if necessary. Identify the missing parts and complement with what is necessary to make your project cohesive. Your presentation should be easy to follow. As advocates for your project, you should have enough structured “evidence” to convince the audience.

In PRO1, the strength of your future scenario, concept and design is evaluated and discussed. Make sure that your work is aligned and presented in a clear and cohesive manner. Find inspiration in how others present their work; in magazines, on the internet, etc. Is the content of your presentation reflected in how you build up your story and in the graphic design?

Info on how to build up a story/ presentation: Story-telling techniques.

Below are some links about giving and getting feed-back. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmLZyB99ITA



PRO1 review structure In PRO1 you will not present your own project, but another groups project. In real life this is quite normal, as it is rare that the whole team meets the client at client presentations. This is also an exercise in communicating your ideas well enough so that another team can adopt them as their own. In order to present someone else's project you will have to get into depth with the content of that project. By doing so your learnings about how another team has solved the same task as you have been given will be much deeper.¶

The focus of the presentation in PRO1 is to convince the audience that the presented idea has great potential. The presentations will be structured in the following way:¶

* 7 minutes: presentation of the project by another group
* 5 minutes: clarification of the group that developed the project
* 15 minutes: general discussion
Be well prepared to present the project that you have been assigned. Practice the presentation, decide in advance how you present and who presents what. You only have 7 minutes to convey the project idea!¶

Submissions 1. Upload your own groups presentation on Social¶

2. Upload your feed-back for the project you are presenting¶

* What is missing in terms of presentation and content of the project that you have presented.
* What is the essence of the project that you have presented and how could it be reinforced.
* What did the rest of the class and the teachers think about the project. What was asked and discussed during the presentation?
Attendance is mandatory throughout the day.