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1. A revised submission of Tutorial 1 You should revise your submission according to the feed-back that you have received. Upload it under Submission of Tutorial no. 1.

2. A future scenario Choose a way to describe the context of Sweden in 2050 in which your design will be used - how does the context affect your idea and what impact will the idea have on the context. You can for example define a utopia/ dystpia or use the scenario method with 4 axes. Another way of defining the future context is zooming in and out , i.e. scale the context to an individual/ local level to a country level in order to see how your idea works at different magnitudes.

Below is a link to wikipedia's definition of scenario planning: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scenario_planning

Shelll's work on scenario planning: explorers-guide.pdf


* Schoemaker, Paul J.H. “Scenario Planning: A Tool for Strategic Thinking,” Sloan Management Review. Winter: 1995, pp. 25-40.
* Godet, Michel, and Fabrice Roubelat. "Creating the Future :The Use and Misuse of Scenarios." Long Range Planning 29 2 (1996): 164-71.
3. A target group description Submit a detailed description of your target group. Use text, film, diagrams, photos, images, etc. to visualise the group. Find target group descriptions that others have made and use as inspiration for your own.

4. TED Talks Choose one TED talk per person that relates to your conceptual idea. Submit the link.

5. Comprehensive research material with citations Collect as much information as possible from various sources (films, books, the internet, reports, interviews, etc.) within your group's project focus. Use different methods to collect data: soft data (qualitative methods) and hard data (quantitative methods) and see how the methods can complement each other. Find an efficient system for information sharing, organisation and storage of data. This data will create the foundation that your project will be built upon. Detailed and thorough work pays off! Ponder how you undertake this task and how the work should be undertaken and divided in order for the data collection to be efficient. Do not forget to include citations. For more information on data collecting methods click here.

56. A summary of your analysis of the research material Analyse and summarise the collected data in order to shape and focus your project. Refer to your sources. More on how to analyse data you will find here.

4. Three reference projects¶ Find and study three projects that will deepen and inspire your own project. Include images and other relevant material that describes the selected projects and focus on the parts that refer to your ideas.¶ 57. A problem definition Narrow down the analysis into a problem formulation. More info on how to formulate a problem you will find here. Scroll to the bottom of this page to find out how you can use the funnel model.

6. A description of the purpose and goal of your project¶ Answer the question: Why do we carry out the project (objective) and what are our goals? A tip is to ask the question WHY? 3 times in a row to get a more specific answer. Describe the purpose and goal of your project.¶ 4. A first conceptual idea Sketches, mind-maps, inspirational images and objects, etc.¶ 48. A reflection of the group dynamics Submit a summary on how the group has worked during the past week. What has worked well and what has not? What do you need to change in order to improve the efficiency and well-being of the group?