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Här visas ändringar i "TUTORIAL NO. 2" mellan 2015-09-02 21:55 av Jelena Mijanovic och 2015-09-02 22:09 av Jelena Mijanovic.

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1. A detailed project time-plan

The course runs at half speed which corresponds to 20 hours/week/student. Create a time-plan including these hours, project dead-lines, etc. Each group is free to decide the exact content of their plan. Look at other project time-plans to find inspiration and guidelines. Make sure your project time-plan is a useful working tool for you, with an easy system for updates and accessibility for all group members. The project time-plan will be evaluated at the final stage in the course called Reflection.

2. Comprehensive research material with citations

Collect as much information as possible from various sources (films, books, the internet, reports, interviews, etc.) within your group's project focus. Use different methods to collect data: soft data (qualitative methods) and hard data (quantitative methods) and see how the methods can complement each other. Find an efficient system for information sharing, organisation and storage of data. This data will create the foundation that your project will be built upon, a proof of the necessity of your project. Detailed and thorough work pays off! Think throughPonder how you undertake this task and if/ how the work should be undertaken and divided in order for the data collection to be efficient. Do not forget to include citations. For more information on data collecting methods click here. http://www.kau.se/sites/default/files/Dokument/subpage/2011/05/moment_3_pdf_70961.pdf¶ http://www.behovsdrivenutveckling.se/verktyg/metoder/kvantitativa-metoder/ http://www.behovsdrivenutveckling.se/verktyg/metoder/kvalitativa-metoder/¶ 3. A summary of your analysis of the research material

3. A summary of your analysis of the research material¶

Analyse and summarise the collected data in order to shape and focus your project. Refer to your sources. About brilliant analysis.¶

4. Three reference projects5. A problem definition or topic of research6. A description of the purpose and goal of your project7. A target group description8. Any revisions or complementary material that has been discussed with your tutor9. Further development of future scenario, concept and design