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Här visas ändringar i "TUTORIAL NO. 5" mellan 2016-08-11 20:43 av Jelena Mijanovic och 2016-08-26 11:39 av Jelena Mijanovic.

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1. A revised submission of Tutorial 4 You should revise your submission according to the feed-back that you have received. Upload it under Submission of Tutorial no. 4.

5. A list of potential investors and collaborators Document a dialogue with two potential investors and/or collaborators and how they have influenced the project. Invite them to the final review.¶

6. A logotype 7. A tag-line
1. Further development of the project according to feed-back received during PRO1 review a. If you have not up-loaded your feed-back for the project that you presented at PRO1 yet, please do it right away in PRO1 submissions, next to the correct group number (not your group number, but the one that you presented).

IMPORTANT! Note the following and submit your notes to the group that has developed the project:

* What is missing in terms of presentation and content of the project that you have presented.
* What is the essence of the project that you have presented and how could it be reinforced.
b. Use the feed-back from the group that presented your project to develop your project.

c. Use the feed-back from the class discussions and the teacher's comments to develop your project.

In general many projects in the PRO1 review did not stretch into 2050. Please make sure you do. Spend 15 minutes on any of the following brainstorming methods: Associative, Edge storming, HG Wells, Vice-versa (Tvärtom), Role storming to push your project forward!

2. A case-study Since our context is positioned in 2050 you will have to identify a relevant situation today in order to be able to execute the in-depth real-life testing of your project. Please read the first two sections of this text.

3. A new SWOT A new swot based on PRO1 feed-back.

4. A new 5W+H A new 5W+H based on PRO1 feed-back.

5. A report of results and contacts with collaborators and investors Additional dialogue, interviews, etc. should be summarised and presented. Invite the collaborator/ investor in time for PRO2 review.

6. A new target group review and report of new results Make sure that you have executed relevant quantitative AND qualitative research in your further target group studies. The quality of the questionnaire will be relfected in the answers, therefore put some time into formulating relevant questions that will actually enrich your knowledge about your project. Don't forget to stretch the questions into 2050!

7. Any revisions or complementary material that has been discussed with your tutor Every group's project is different and therefore your tutor will give you specific tasks to complete for the next tutorial.

8. Further development of future scenario, concept and design The scenario, concept and design should develop continuously through the course. Don't forget to document when and what forces, methods, tools, etc. that drive the development in new directions, giving your project new shapes in both 2D and 3D. What is most important is that the development of scenario, concept and design does not stagnate. Open your senses and dare to test and push your design and ideas beyond the known limits until the last day of the course!