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Här visas ändringar i "TUTORIAL NO. 5" mellan 2015-09-27 16:30 av Jelena Mijanovic och 2015-09-27 16:37 av Jelena Mijanovic.

Visa < föregående | nästa > ändring.


1. Further development of the project according to feed-back received during PRO1 review

- If a. If you have not up-loaded your feed-back for the project that you presented at PRO1 yet, please do it right away here next to the correct group number (the one that you presented).¶

b. Use the feed-back from the group that presented your project in order to develop your project.¶

c. Use the feed-back from the class discussions and the teachers comments to develop your project.

2. A case-study Since our context is positioned in 2050 you will have to identify a relevant situation today in order to be able to execute the in-depth reality testing of your project. Please read the first two sections of this text.

3. A new SWOT 4. A new 5W+H 5. A report of results and contacts with collaborators and investors 6. A new target group review and report of new results 7. Any revisions or complementary material that has been discussed with your tutor 8. Further development of future scenario, concept and design