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Här visas ändringar i "TUTORIAL NO. 6" mellan 2016-08-26 11:47 av Jelena Mijanovic och 2016-08-26 11:49 av Jelena Mijanovic.

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1. A revised submission of Tutorial 5 You should revise your submission according to the feed-back that you have received. Upload it under Submission of Tutorial no. 5.

1. A Life Cycle Analysis sketch Read about LCA (click on the title) and the text below and then make a simple LCA-sketch for your project. This is a complex subject that you can not master in this course, but you should have a basic understanding of the principles.

S-LCA with focus on social sustainability.

2. A rough time-plan for the whole project from idea to launch as well as when your vision is achieved (2050) Earlier in the course you have created a time-plan for the project during the course. This time-plan stretches beyond the course. Tie your time-plan to societal, technical, et.c. evolution, i.e. 2030 there will be no borders at all in the world or holograms will be commonly used as a part of our smart phones.

3. A financial plan (planning bigger picture, long-term) - Create a sketch of how your project will be made possible from a financial point of view. Use your stakeholder chart made in previous tutorial to identify their different inputs.

- Explain how your project/ product will give social return on investment (SROI). SROI is a principles-based method for measuring extra-financial value (i.e., environmental and social value not currently reflected in conventional financial accounts) relative to resources invested. It can be used by any entity to evaluate impact on stakeholders, identify ways to improve performance, and enhance the performance of investments.

4. Additional reports of results and contacts with collaborators and investors Your on-going dialogue with collaborators and investors should be documented.

5. A list of potential investors and collaborators Document a dialogue with twoCreate a list of potential investors and/or collaborators and how they have influenced the project. Invite them to the final review.¶ 6. Further development of future scenario, concept and DESIGN!!!! LOADS OF DESIGN SKETCHES SHOULD BE PRESENTED ON TUTORIAL 6! PRODUCTION AND QUANTITY ARE IN FOCUS. AT LEAST ONE OF THE WALLS IN A504 SHOULD BE COVERED WITH SKETCHES. DON'T BE TOO CRITICAL AT THIS STAGE. MAKE SURE YOU STRETCH THE DESIGN LIMITS. The scenario, concept and design should develop continuously through the course. Don't forget to document when and what forces, methods, tools, etc. that drive the development in new directions, giving your project new shapes in both 2D and 3D. What is most important is that the development of scenario, concept and design does not stagnate. Open your senses and dare to test and push your design and ideas beyond the known limits until the last day of the course!describe in what way you think that they can influence the project.