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Introduktion till visualisering och datorgrafik

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Torso with minimal and maximal curvature  Torso with extremal curvature lines  

This course covers fundamentals in visualization and computer graphics. The goal is to understand the following concepts:

  • Linear transformations and homogeneous coordinates
  • Spatial data structures and grids
  • Interpolation in 2D and 3D grids
  • Modeling meshes
  • Shading and color including color models and perception
  • Rendering: rasterization (projection, clipping, visibility)
  • Rendering: raytracing
  • Raycasting a volume
  • All-purpose visualization methods and their best practices

The course includes both theory and practical aspects. A number of tutorials will deepen the understanding of the course content using theoretical and practical assignments.

We have an addon to this course that provides a bit more content in image and video processing. It awards an additional 1.5hp and is graded A-F. See DD2258.


It is the basis for many other visualization and graphics related courses at KTH:

  • Visualization DD2257
  • Information Visualization DH2321
  • Computer Graphics and Interaction DH2323
  • Advanced Graphics and Interaction DH2413
  • Computer Game Design DH2650
  • Advanced Topics in Visualization and Computer Graphics DD2470
