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We can utilize concurrency to execute a program more efficiently on a multi-core CPU. We will look at some strategies in how to work, it is easy to gain some speed-up but very hard to maintain the speed-up when we increase the number of cores.

We will look at different strategies when parallelizing a program and when we do so we will work with image transformations. We will start with a color image and then turn it into a gray scale that in turn will result in  something else. This is not a lecture on image transformation but why not do something fun.





Teacher Johan Montelius created page 19 January 2015

Teacher Johan Montelius changed the permissions 2 February 2015

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
Johan Montelius edited 4 March 2015

Vi kan utnyttja våra multitådade implementeringar till att utnyttja en parallell hårdvara som en multicore-cpu eller för den delen ett distribuerat system. Vi skall titta på några strategier och hur enkelt eller svårt det är i praktiken.
