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Programming II

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We will use Elixir as our language of choice in this course but the course is not only about learning Elixir - we use Elixir to explore functional and concurrent programming. You will need to learn programming in Elixir but focus is not on Elixir specifics. The things that we cover in the course is applicable to all functional programming languages. 

Course literature

We will use online tutorials and documentation and recommended readings instead of a course book. This material is to learn how to use Elixir as a programming language. If you rather want to have a book, you will find recommended literature below.

Online tutorials and documentation:



We provide all exercises and tutorials using GitBook.  Most of the content is now available but we will update it during the course.

Past years

If you want to see what previous years students have said about the course you will find the results from the questionnaires here:

One can summarize the comments in:

  • "start to program early"
  • "do the assignments"
  • "attend the seminars"

"It is absolutely essential that students taking this course have a good understanding of the concepts in the Algorithms and Data Structures course to have a chance of getting a few points on the exam, let alone passing the course."

"You should treat the exercises and seminars as mandatory so that you keep programming regularly throughout the course as I found this to be an effective way to study for the exam and learn the content."


Previous we have used Erlang in this course. We have however switched to Elixir since it has a more traditional syntax and some other improvements. Elixir is very similar to Erlang in its structure and runs on the same back-end machinery. If you learn Elixir you can easily switch to Erlang and vice verse.
