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2015-06-15 LEQ

New super simple course evaluation

Pedagogical seminar in seminar room 1537, June 15, 15.15-16.00 followed by a discussion over coffee and cake.

A web course evaluation system called LEQ has been integrated into the course web on KTH Social. The questions are mainly standardized, but there is a possibility to add extra open questions to the questionnaire. The standard questions are evaluating the general learning environment of the course, as perceived by the students, rather than the specific teaching and examination of the course.

In this seminar we will show how to create LEQ evaluations, send automatic email reminders and get result reports. We will also describe how the LEQ evaluation can be used in the course development cycle, together with the course analysis.

The pedagogical seminar will as usual be 45 minutes and be concluded by an open pedagogical discussion over coffee and cake. All teachers at CSC are welcome to the seminar!

Mer information om det nya kursutvärderingssystemet LEQ finns på lärarstödswebben.