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Version skapad av Manja Schubert 2019-03-21 14:54

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If you get housing through KTH, the Accommodation Office at KTH administers everything regarding your accommodation. 

When you arrive to Stockholm you need to get the key to your accommodation (if you have received your accommodation through KTH). You obtain the key at the Accommodation Service/KTH Entré.

The accommodation offered through KTH Accommodation is located around Stockholm within commuting distance of all campuses. Mainly single rooms are offered, but there are also some studio apartments. We can unfortunately not influence the decision about where you will be placed. KTH accommodation cannot guarantee that everyone will get a student room.

Please note that the second-hand rental market in Stockholm is very expensive, and it is often difficult to find a room on your own.

More information is available here.

Address KTH Entré

Drottning Kristinas Väg 4
Opening hours are 8 – 16.30 Monday - Friday