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Version skapad av Olof Bälter 2014-12-03 14:31

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Kortfilmer med presentationstekniktips

1. Börja med det viktigaste

Olle Bälter's Unified Field Theory for Presentation Techniques

Varför man inte ska strukturera en presentation som alla (utom jag) föreslår

2. Hantera nervositet

Lists of things people fear most: Giving public presentations. Death comes further down.

Sienfeld: most people would rather be in the casket than give the euology.

Everybody is nervous - nervousness is good!


Breathing Exercise

Introduction by heart

Find friendly faces in the audience (Smiley in front of one face, pitchfork)

Aim at the forehead

4. Clothes can be distracting

Are clothes important? Shorts on a grown man? Thick sweater and shorts? Glandural problems? Markings, intelligent thoughts might be: Does he root for the Patriots? Jolly Good, I remember the Superbowl in. Does he root for the Patriots? That’s just pure Communism! What? Less intelligent: Defence!

Siemens: Office building - industrial building. Tie or not. (Still photos)

Bandages, croutches, other conspicuous items.

5. Text is distracting

Timers, Stroop test, mock a woman

6. Movement is distracting

Throw hackey-sacks against the camera - someone who throws back.

Talk about micro-breaks.

7. Technical aids can ruin your message