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Many thanks goes to all horrible presenters I have seen over the years who demonstrated what not to do, I have learnt a lot from you. I have also learnt a lot from excellent presenters, but they are much harder to learn from as I got engulfed in their messages and totally missed their techniques. Repeatedly practicing presentation technique presentations in front of Master's students at KTH over the years have sharpened my abilities - thank you all students for putting out with me!

Recording my view on presentation techniques has taught me a lot on the differences between live performances and video. KTH Media Production has been an invaluable assistant on that path, especially Hannes, Kevin and Barry. Pernilla Josefsson, Hanna Hasselqvist and Hannes were kind enough to act in the videos.

Administrator Olof Bälter created page 9 December 2014

Administrator Olof Bälter changed the permissions 22 December 2014

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