"There is a broad spectrum of different courses to choose from with high-quality content"
Mona is a student of the master's programme in Engineering Mechanics and got her bachelor degree in Material Engineering at KTH. She is a native Stockholmer and describes herself as a social foodie.
What made you choose KTH?
- The first main reason was that I did not want to leave my beautiful hometown, Stockholm. The second reason was that of the excellent reputation that KTH has as being one of the best technical universities in the world. I had already made my mind up of becoming an engineer.
What do you like most about KTH?
- That there is a broad spectrum of different courses to choose from with high-quality content. I have found that there is always help to get from professors, teaching assistants and classmates! I also love the fact that the campus is in the centre of the city, which makes it easy to take a break from school and go do something else.
How would you describe Stockholm?
- I am quite fond of Stockholm, and I don't only say that because it is my hometown, but the rich history and vibrant culture in this city and country are really appealing. Also, Stockholm has a vast range of restaurants which is a big plus if you, like me, love food!
What would you like to say to students thinking of choosing KTH for master’s studies?
- If you want to combine high-quality studies with pulsating city life, then I would recommend studying at KTH. I would also say that you really need to be prepared for some periods of long days with school work, but it is all worth it in the end. Remember that you can do anything that you put your mind to, and it will be fun by doing it with your classmates!
What do you see as the greatest aspects of your programme?
- The fact that the courses are highly relevant in the industry. I also feel that we have good connections with our professors and PhD students at the Solid Mechanics department.
Are you taking part in any student activities?
- Last year I was part of the project team of ARMADA, which arranges Scandinavia's largest career fair. The best part of this experience was meeting new people from different programmes, which is why I would really recommend taking part in that particular project!
What is your best memory from your time at KTH so far?
- My time in the ARMADA project where over 300 volunteering students worked together and created a huge fair, in a very professional manner. I had a lot of fun and gained a lot of friends.
Do you have a dream job after graduating from KTH?
- At the moment I would say working with product development of kitchen appliances - but it is a hard question as I tend to change my mind often!