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Accepterade publikationer i september

Publicerad 2022-10-05

Följande artiklar har blivit accepterade och publicerade denna månad:

  • Ilaria Torre, Simon Holk, Elmira Yadollahi, Iolanda Leite, Rachel McDonnell, and Naomi Harte "Smiling in the face and voice of avatars and robots: evidence for a ‘smiling McGurk effect’" accepterad till IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing
  • Robert Gieselmann, and Florian T. Pokorny "Latent Planning via Expansive Tree Search" accepterad till NeurIPS 22

  • Matteo Iovino, Fethiye Irmak Dogan, Iolanda Leite, and Christian Smith "Interactive Disambiguation for Behavior Tree Execution" accepterad till Humanoids 2022

  • Parag Khanna, Mårten Björkman, and Christian Smith "Human Inspired Grip-Release Technique for Robot-Human Handovers" accepterad till Humanoids 2022