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Graduate level courses, mathematics, 2014-2015

Fall 2014

Course name Teacher      
Geometric Measure Theory ,
(KTH) Reading Course 7.5hp, November 2014 – March 2015, (Study periods 2-3.)
John Andersson      
The Penrose inequality and related topics,
Lars Andersson      
Sobolev spaces ( Inst. Mittag Leffler,
) start: Sept. 24, 13:15—15:00.
V. Mazya      
Infinity-categories and homotopy type theory (SU) Ph. Hackney och P. Lumsdaine      
Riemann surface, analytic and algebraic aspects (SU) Björk, Shapiro      
Doktorandkurs i algebra, 40 timmar, 5 hp (UU) Martin Herschend      
Ergodteori, 40 timmar, 5 hp, (UU) Anders Karlsson      

Spring 2015

Course name Teacher      
Minimal Surfaces (KTH) Jens Hoppe      
Doktorandkurs i sannolikhetsteori och statistik, 40 timmar, 5 hp (UU) Erik Broman      
Stokastiska fenomen 32 timmar 5hp (UU) Svante Janson      
Ph.D. course in Analysis
John Andersson, Erik Lindgren      
Gröbner bases (SU) J. Backelin      
Spectra of (non-selfadjoint) matrices and operators (SU) A. Luger och Christiane Tretter (Bern)