Aims and Deliverables
The challenges facing society in terms of conversion of the energy, and the development of the power system is obviously too large to be illuminated from only one perspective. Society, government, utilities, and manufacturing industries, and universities must work together. These challenges can not be solved with new technologies or regulations, without the knowledge, technologies, methods and frameworks must be developed in harmony. The structure and forms of cooperation SweGRIDS has been formed to meet the needs of new knowledge, new technologies and methods to meet the challenges in the five strategic areas:
SMART POWER - smart kraftnätsystem from producer to consumer
INSTINCT - ICT tools for smart grids
CIPOWER - Steerable and intelligent power components
STORAGE - Electrical energy storage.
MATERIALS - Materials for smart grids.
The center also has four important general strategic goals (S1 - S4) related to technology development, technology diffusion and economic growth. The center has been designed on the basis of the strategic objectives complemented by innovation goals (I1 - I5) and competence goals (K1 - K4). Its specific objectives are supported by elements within the five strategic areas.
Strategic Objectives
S1 Integration of renewable energy sources
Create awareness of the technical and marketing problems associated with the introduction of local and variable generation, to develop technologies and facilitate the processes and products that support it can be commercialized. Creating knowledge and develop technology that allows flexible transmission and distribution of electricity that uses real-time information for effective control. Creating knowledge and develop new technologies that improve the utilization of electrical energy systems through better market rules and maintenance strategies.
S2 Implementation of new technologies
Be a platform for the implementation of new technologies and be an independent body which new technologies are developed, implemented and evaluated. Being one of Europe's leading forum for the dissemination of technology in Smart Electrical and storage techniques by organizing seminars and participating in trade fairs, conferences and workshops and by publishing in scientific journals.
S3 Economic Growth
Stimulate economic growth by creating an environment that stimulates the development of new technologies, methods and prototypes somkan commercialized by the parties or in the new company.
S4 Supporting Demonstration Projects
Support for the major national demonstration projects Smart Grid Gotland and Stockholm Royal Seaport with well-defined doctoral and postdoctoral projects above five main directions.
Innovation objectives
I1: Optimal operation and design of power systems with a large number of variable power sources, multi-terminal HVDC and DC networks, electric vehicles, and active customers.
Creating knowledge and develop new methods for efficient design and operation of power systems with a large amount of variable power sources such as wind and solar power with regard to forecasting capabilities and system requirements for reserves. To realize this, there is great potential for a large amount of controllable components and power consumption, including electric vehicles, households and industry regarding technical as well as financial control signals. An economic efficiency, reliability, and stable solution can be power systems with a large element of Multi-Terminal HVDC and DC networks.
I2 Optimal design of robust, secure, interoperable and scalable ICT solutions that allow control of power systems while maintaining or improving reliability and increasing the participation of energy users.
Creating knowledge and develop tools to develop and maintain cost-effective and reliable compatible ICT systems for power system control that allows optimization and balancing of interoperability and information security, scalability and performance for both centralized to distributed solutions. New monitoring and diagnostics for various power components can be developed to optimally manage and use components with the same reliability and allow for planned maintenance.
I3 New design of controllable electrical components.
Creating knowledge and technologies for controllable components in new designs that are efficient, environmentally friendly, economical, reliable and safe way to handle rapid load changes.
I4 Storage Technologies and its connection to the electrical system
Creating knowledge and develop storage technologies such as batteries, flywheels, pumped storage, compressed gas and its connection to the network.
I5 Develop materials that can lead to new insulation and new contacts that result in more high-performance components
Nano Composite Insulation material, cellulose-based insulation materials, thin film contacts are few.
K1 Ensure Sweden's electricity expertise by recruiting up to 30 PhD students / postdocs to the center to which engage elindustrisponsrade research
K2 Integrate center's PhD project in KIC InnoEnergys innovation projects so that students can participate in these projects
K3 In graduate programs, graduate students through KIC InnoEnergy assimilate the experience of 3-6 months of research in another European country.
K4 Offer SweGRIDS 'graduate students within the framework of KIC InnoEnergy receive training in entrepreneurship and business management.
Success Criteria
Begin at least ten interdisciplinary research projects per year in materials, mechanics, electromagnetism, chemistry, ICT or power systems that are energy-relevant and where groups from one or more disciplines are brought together from both universities and industry.
Develop a minimum of two 'proof of concept' in the laboratory within two years considering new concepts in power components, power management and energy storage. Thereafter, the level of becoming a new year.
- Give at least one scientific publication per year from each postgraduate students in journals and at prestigious international conferences as a sign of research novelty and quality.
Development Related
Within two years, to develop at least two new courses in electrical engineering and energy storage for both university and industry based on new knowledge created in various research projects.
Within two years, 20-30 graduate students have begun in SweGRIDS. Then the 12-15 new graduate students per year.
- Examine between 12 and 15 students in the smart grid and energy storage within the first five years and between 12 and 15 per year thereafter.
Network / organization
Provide opportunities for successful students and postdocs to move across boundaries between different centers of KIC InnoEnergys different partners. At least five incoming and five outgoing within 2 years.
- Delivering results from research SweGRIDS to KIC InnoEnergy so that at least one patent application per year may be submitted and / or at least one identifiable product and service improvements can be made per year from year 3. In 2013, patentable ideas to be identified.