The government has recently presented the Research and Innovation Bill for the current parliamentary term. It bears the promising title ‘Research and Innovation for the Future, Curiosity and Benefit’. The bill means that a total of SEK 6.5 billion will be allocated to Swedish research when the initiatives are fully implemented in 2028. These are … Continue reading “Good initiatives in the research bill – but more freedom on the wish list”
There is a lot of talk about AI these days. Since the introduction of easily accessible tools that use AI language models, interest has grown significantly. However, the technology to mimic some form of human intelligence is not new. This year’s Physics Prize was shared between John J. Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton for discoveries further … Continue reading “AI – a responsibility and an opportunity for everyone”
The government presents a research and innovation bill once every government term, and for the current term it will be presented in December 2024. But the ministers responsible have already announced that there will be a total investment of SEK 6.5 billion in annual increases. That’s a lot of money – in fact, it’s one … Continue reading “Long-term vision wished for in government research investments”
The green transition was the theme of the Sweden Indo-Pacific Business Summit organised in Singapore in early December. As usual, it was noted that the threats to the climate are clearly verified in research and that the emerging threats require a transition at a faster pace than before. The theme of the discussions was how … Continue reading “Renewal of skills gives hope for the future”
In recent weeks, I have had the privilege of attending several seminars that demonstrate in words, but above all in action, the importance of cross-disciplinary and cross-university collaboration. An interdisciplinary approach is often the way forward to find solutions to complex problems where a number of different aspects are highlighted based on each researcher’s disciplinary … Continue reading “The interface that generates future solutions”