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Christina Moberg

Professor emeritus organic chemistry

KTH School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health

Teknikringen 30

100 44 Stockholm


Tel. +46 8 790 9036
Mobile. +46 702 140404

Christina Moberg graduated from Stockholm University in 1970 and continued with PhD studies (1970-75) at KTH under the supervision of Prof. M. Nilsson. After a stay with Prof J. Normant at Université Paris 6 and postdoctoral studies with Prof. B. Åkermark at KTH (1976–78) she was appointed as assistant professor at KTH (1978) and later (1989) as associate professor. In 1997 she became full professor in organic chemistry at KTH.


ENS, Paris, France (1 month 1993)

Univ. Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France (1 month 1999 and 1 month 2002)

INSA/IRCOF, Rouen, France (1 month 2005)

Univ. of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany (1 week 2006)


Scientific Advisory Boards

Member of the Chemistry Committee of the Swedish Natural Science Research Council 1983–1989

Member of the Chemical Engineering Committee of the Swedish Research Council for Engineering Sciences 1995–2000

Member of the Board of the Swedish Research Council 2001–2003

Member of the Board of the Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF) 2013–2021

Review panel member

Member of Review Panels the Swedish Research Council for Natural Sciences 1983–89

Member of Review Panels the Swedish Research Council for Engineering Sciences 1995–2000

Member of Review Panels the Danish Natural Research Foundation (DNRF) 2013–2021

Member of Evaluation Panel Institut Universitaire, France 2013 and 2015

Chair of Review Panel Grants for Distinguished Professors, the Swedish Research Council 2015

Member of ERC Consolidator Grant Review Panel 2016

Member of Review Panel, the Villum Foundation, Denmark 2017–18

Member of Review Panel the Portuguese Research Council 2021

A number of additional review commitments for Research Councils, mainly in Europe

Member of Expert panels for professor positions in several European countries

Scientific Evaluations of Institutions

Member of Evaluation Panel Lund University, Chemistry Department, Sweden 2007

Member of Evaluation Panel Helsinki University, Chemistry Department, Finland 2018–19

Chair of Evaluation Panel Lund University, Chemistry Department, Sweden 2021

Member of Evaluation Panel National Research Center, the Netherlands 2021

Editorial Boards

Member of International Advisory Board of Angewandte Chemie 2012–2019

Member of International Advisory Board of ChemPlusChem 2012–2019

Member of Editorial Board New Journal of Chemistry 2013–2017

Member of International Advisory Board of the European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2015–2017

Member Editorial Advisory Board of Helvetica Chimica Acta 2016–2021


Leadership Positions

Vice President KTH, 1998

Head of Department, Organic Chemistry, KTH 1998–2015

Vice Dean KTH 1999–2004, Dean Febr–April 2004

Vice President European Academies’ Science Advisory Council, EASAC, 2017–2019

President European Academies’ Science Advisory Council, EASAC, 2020–2022

Membership in Science Academies

Elected Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 1998 

Vice President of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

President of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 2015–2018

Elected Member of the Royal Swedish Academy for Engineering Sciences 1998

Elected Member of the European Academy of Sciences 2017

Elected Member of Academia Europea 2018

Elected Foreign Member of the Cyprus Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts 2021

Awards and Distinctions

The "Lindbomska award" from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 1991

The Nordblad Ekstrand medal from the Swedish Chemical Society 1997

"The Göran Gustavsson prize" from the Academy of Sciences 1998

"Grade de Chevalier dans l'Ordre National du Mérite" from the French President 1999

"The Sixten Heyman price" from University of Gothenburg 2001

Excellent researcher VR 2003

The Rosalind Franklin Lecture Tour, UK, 2005

“The Ulla and Stig Holmquist prize” from University of Uppsala 2006

EuCheMs Lecture Award 2015

The King´s Medal 2016

The large Linné Medal in gold from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 2019

Honorary Awards

Honorary Doctor Lund University, Sweden 2014

Fellow of ChemPubSoc Europe 2015

Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry 2016

Peiyang Professor Tianjin University, China (equivalent to Honoris Causa) 2019


Chair ESOC Scientific Committee 2003–2005

Vice Chair COST D31 2004-2005, Chair 2005–2007

Member of the Expert group for misconduct in research, the Ethics Review Appeals Board 2015–18

Responsible for graduate courses on Research Integrity at several universities

Author of popular science articles

Author of large number of articles in major Swedish newspapers, as well as in a few in Danish and Norwegian newspapers, on policy for science and science for policy, many of them advocating for the importance of basic research

Invited Lectures

Nordiska koordinationskemimötet, Uppsala 1999 (plenary lecture)

OMCOS 99, Paris 1999 (session lecture)

ESOC 99, Göteborg 1999 (session lecture)

Norska kemistsamfundets vårmöte, Oslo 2001 (plenary lecture)

Finska kemistsamfundet, Åbo 2001 (plenary lecture)

OMCOS 01, Taiwan 2001 (invited short lecture)

"John van Geuns Foundation" lecture, Amsterdam 2001

COST D11 workshop in Supramolecular Chemistry, Slovenien 2001 (keynote lecture)

”Undheimsymposiet”, Oslo 2001 (plenary lecture)

IUPAC International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, Korfu 2002 (session lecture)

Svenska organikerdagarna, Sundsvall 2002 (plenary lecture)

3rdWalden Symposium, Riga 2003 (invited lecture)

Baltic Symposium on Organic Synthesis, Riga 2004, (session lecture)

3rdEuchem Conference on Nitrogen Ligands, Italy 2004 (plenary lecture)

7th Nicolaus Symposium, Aachen 2004 (plenary lecture)

Rosalind Franklin Lectureships, UK, April 2005

OMCOS 05, Geneva 2005 (invited short lecture)

5th International School of Organometallic Chemistry, Camerino, Italy, September 2005

The 55th Gordon Conference on Natural Products Chemistry, Tilton, NH, USA, July 2006 (invited lecture)

Svenska Organikerdagarna 2006 (plenary lecture)

8th International Symposium on Carbanion Chemistry, Madison, USA, June 2007 (session lecture)

The Eli Lilly Lecture, ICIQ, Tarragona, November 2007

Symposium on Combinatorial Catalysis within the 236th National ACS Meeting in Philadelphia, PA (Aug 17-21, 2008) (invited lecture)

Ischia International Summer School, Ischia, Italy, September 2008

Tarragona International Summer School, Tarragona, July 2009

“The Element”, The Royal Netherlands Chemical Society (KNCV), Utrecht 2009 (plenary lecture)

“ La Reunion Bienal de Química Orgánica”, Murcia 2010 (plenary lecture)

BOSS XII, Namur, Belgium 2010 (plenary lecture)

The Winter meeting of the Norwegian Chemical Society 2011 (plenary lecture)

6thRenacom, Errachidia, Morocco 2011 (plenary lecture)

Advances in Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry, St Petersburg 2011 (plenary lecture)

18th International Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis, Toulouse, France 2012 (invited lecture)

11th Symposium on Chemical Approaches to Chirality, Tokyo Sept 2012 (plenary lecture)

The John Osborn conference, Strasbourg, April 2014.

GEQO XXXII, Tarragona September 2014 (plenary lecture).

 Leyden Symposium, Hannover, Febr 2015

EuCheMs Lecture ESOC Lisabon, July 2015

Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin Symposium Zürich, October 2015

50th Advances in Organic, Bioorganic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Liblice Check Republic, October 2015

Wageningen Symposium on Organic Chemistry, the Netherlands, April, 2016

Advances in Organic Chemistry – Smolenice, September 2016 

Hoffmann - La Roche, December 2017