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Academic Curriculum Vitae for Peter Stilbs

Born: June 1st 1945

Present position: Professor of Physical Chemistry at KTH (Royal Institute of Technology), Stockholm, Sweden (1986-)

Higher Education: Civ. Ing. (Chemistry), Lund Institute of Technology, 1969; TeknD (Physical Chemistry), Lund Institute of Technology 1974. Thesis: “NMR Studies of Antimony Pentachloride Donor-Acceptor Adducts and Hindered internal Rotation in Ureas” Advisor: Professor Sture Forsén , with interdisciplinary assistance from Docent Gerd Olofsson , Thermochemistry, Lund University.

Postdoc position: Brock University, Canada, with Professor J.Stephen Hartman , Sep. 1974 - Aug. 1975

Academic Positions:

  • Forskarassistent (‘junior researcher’), Physical Chemistry, Uppsala University , 1976-1982.
  • Docent (‘assistant professor’), Physical Chemistry, Uppsala University 1982-1986.
  • During the whole of 1980 I was on leave from Uppsala to work as ‘acting associate professor’ of Physical Chemistry, University of Bergen , Norway.
  • During the first half of 1986 I was on leave from Uppsala, having been appointed to the chair of full professor of Physical Chemistry, University of Bergen, Norway. I left the Uppsala and Bergen positions in august 1986 for my present full professorship at KTH.

Honorary positions: Docent of Physical Chemistry, Uppsala University 1979-, Docent of Physical Chemistry, Åbo (Turku) University, Finland 1987-

Honors: Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) 2010-

Awards: The "Oscar Prize" of year 1981 (Uppsala University, (shared)) and the "Arrhenius Plaquette" of year 2000 (the Swedish Chemical Society).

Teaching experience: ≈40 years of undergraduate classroom teaching, lab course instruction, lab equipment design, and lecturing for graduate courses of various kinds.

Scientific output: 170+ scientific publications in refereed journals since 1970. This includes about 15 review papers and Book chapters. I have been ranked number 884 in the world (and #10 in Sweden), referring to the number of total citations in chemistry journals during 1981-1997.

Refereeing: I frequently do reviews fore.g. J. Phys. Chem., J. Chem. Phys., Langmuir, J. Colloid Interface Sci., J. Magn. Reson. and several others. During 1987-1999 I was member of the grant grading boards of NFR (seven years) and TFR (two years). I have also graded applications from 5 foreign research councils during the last decade.

Editorial activities and related: Former Associate Technical Editor for Journal of Surfactants and Detergents  and member of the International Advisory Board for Chemistry World, the RSC member Journal.

Memberships: ACS , APS , International Society of Magnetic Resonance (ISMAR), Svenska Kemistsamfundet, SKR, CF, SULF, Royal Society of Chemistry  (RSC, Fellow member)

Supervising experience: Since 1976, I have been formal, co- or actual supervisor for 22 finalized PhD exams. My first student was Michael E. Moseley *, who defended his Thesis in Uppsala in 1980. The others are:

  • J. Carlfors*, Uppsala 1985(?)
  • R. Rymdén*, Uppsala 1985(?)
  • I. Stokkeland* (Bergen, 1986(?))
  • H. Walderhaug** (Lund, 1986(?))
  • M. Jansson* (Uppsala 1987(?))
  • Puyong Li* 1990,
  • H. Östmark* 1992
  • M. Sjöberg** 1992
  • L. Bergström** 1992
  • E. Söderlind* 1993
  • K. Persson* 1995
  • S. Abrahmsén-Alami * 1996
  • M. Törnblom** 2000
  • R. Sitnikov *** 2000
  • N. Hedin*** 2000
  • E. Petterson* 2005
  • L. Evenäs (later Nordstierna)** 2006
  • P. Yushmanov** 2006
  • D. Vargas** 2006
  • Fredrik Hallberg* 2010
  • Marianne Giesecke** 2014

(All at KTH, unless otherwise indicated)
(*)= primary or only supervisor, (**) = co-supervisor to a 20-50% level, (***) = formally main supervisor, but factually only an advisor/examiner role.

Main past and present collaborators at a postdoctoral level:

S. Forsén (Lund), M.E. Moseley (now Stanford), B. Lindman (Lund), P.C. Griffiths (Cardiff), O. Söderman (Lund), B. Jönsson (Lund), M. Almgren (Uppsala), W. Brown (Uppsala, deceased), P.W. Kuchel (Sydney), P.T. Callaghan (Wellington, New Zealand), W.S. Price (Sydney), A. Laaksonen (Stockholm), I. Furó (KTH). See also the list of publications .

Recent publications with links

List of publications at DiVA  (KTH:s Publication Database)