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SYSID has been given since 1967 in many different places.

1 1967 Prague, Czech. (Symp. on Identification in Automatic Control Systems)
2 1970 Prague, Czech. (Symp. on Identification and Process Parameter Estimation)
3 1973 The Hague, Netherlands. (Symp. on Identification and SystemParameter Estimation)
4 1976 Tbilsi, USSR.
5 1979 Darmstadt, Germany.
6 1982 Washington, DC, USA.
7 1985 York, UK.
8 1988 Beijing, PRC.
9 1991 Budapest, Hungary.
10 1994 Copenhagen, Denmark.
11 1997 Kitakyushu, Japan.
12 2000 Santa Barbara, USA.
13 2003 Rotterdam, Netherlands.
14 2006 Newcastle, Australia 
15 2009 Saint Malo, France
16 2012 Brussels, Belgium
17 2015 Beijing, China
18 2018 Stockholm, Sweden