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Here you can find the organizing committee, the international programme committee and the young author award committee.

Organizing committee

General chair
IPC Chair
Industry chair: Alf Isaksson, alf.isaksson@se.abb.com
Paper submissions chair Pradeep Misra, pmisra@cs.wright.edu
  Jonas Sjöberg, jonas.sjoberg@chalmers.se
Thomas Schön, thomas.schon@it.uu.se
Martin Enqvist, maren@isy.liu.se

International programme committee

Juan Carlos Aguero, CL
Er-Wei Bai, US
Laurent Baratchart, FR
Robert Bitmead, US
Sergio Bittanti, IT
Xavier Bombois, NL
Marco Campi, IT
Jie Chen, US
Alessandro Chiuso, IT
Fabrizio Dabbene, IT
Manfred Deistler, AT
Subhrakanti Dey, SE
Martin Enqvist, SE
Hai-Tao Fang, CN
Simone Formentin, IT
Simone Garatti, IT
Hugues Garnier, FR
Andrea Garulli, IT
Laszlo Gerencser, HU
Michel Gevers, BE
Fouad Giri, FR
Keith Godfrey, UK
Oleg Granichin, RS
Lei Guo, CN
William Heath, UK
Roland Hildebrand, FR
Håkan Hjalmarsson, SE
Paul Van den Hof, NL
Tao Liu, CN
Lennart Ljung, SE
Jan Maciejowski, UK
Iven Mareels, AU
Tomas McKelvey, SE
Bart De Moor, BE
Brett Ninness, AU
Carlo Novara, IT
Tom Oomen, NL
Hiroshi Oku, JP
Giorgio Picci, IT
Gianluigi Pillonetto, IT
Rik Pintelon, BE
Diego Regruto, IT
Daniel Rivera, US
Cristian Rojas, SE
Thomas Schon, SE
Johan Schoukens, BE
Roy Smith, CH
Torsten Soderstrom, SE
Toshiaru Sugie, JP
Hideyuki Tanaka, JP
Roland Toth, NL
Michel Verhaegen, NL
Antonio Vicino, IT
Tyrone Vincent, US
Bo Wahlberg, SE
Le Yi Wang, US
Liuping Wang, AU
James Welsh, AU
Erik Weyer, AU
George Yin, US
Ji-Feng Zhang, CN
Qinghua Zhang, FR
Yanlong Zhao, CN
Wenxiao Zhao, CN
Wei Xing Zheng, AU
Yucai Zhu, CN

IFAC young author award committee

Brett Ninness (chair), University of Newcastle
Er-Wei Bai, University of Iowa
Alessandro Chiuso, Università degli Studi di Padova
Rik Pintelon, Vrije Universiteit Brussels