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Grants will bolster math research at KTH


Published Mar 30, 2015

Mathematics Research at KTH will get a hefty injection of stimulating international exchanges, made possible by six grants from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation mathematics programs.

"You can say that this is an acknowledgment that the research in mathematics at KTH is at a very high level, and is perhaps even leading the country in terms of quality. To get this kind of varied support means a great deal, says Arne Johansson, KTH's vice president for research.

The exchanges include the arrival of Michael Siegel to the numerical analysis research group from New Jersey Institute of Technology.

Henry Shahgolian

"It is very valuable to get leading researchers of his kind to come to KTH," Johansson says. "This is an important source of inspration for young researchers."

KTH Professor Henry Shahgolian is receiving funding to recruit a researcher from abroad to the group for harmonic analysis and partial differential equations in the Department of Mathematics.

Professor Mattias Dahl is receiving funds from the Foundation's six-year commitment for postdoctoral mathematics service, in order to recruit a researcher from abroad to the group of differential geometry and relativity.

Be an assistant professor in Mathematics at KTH

KTH is recruiting internationally for an assistant professor in Mathematics with emphasis towards complex systems.

Three people who defended PhDs in mathematics in the period 2011 and 2014 will be able to do a postdoc in different parts of the world, and also be supported for two years after they return to KTH.

Martin Strömqvist gets to do research at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU, Trondheim. Björn Winckler will get the opportunity to conduct research at the State University of New York and Anna Sakovich has received a postdoctoral position at the University of Vienna.

Mattias Dahl

"These types of selective exchanges are of course very stimulating for fruitful cooperation, because mathematics research is so very specialized, Johansson says.

The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, together with the Royal Academy of Sciences, wants to strengthen mathematical research in Sweden, through a research program that is geared toward offering international experience to the best young researchers in Sweden, and making it possible to recruit both young and more experienced mathematicians to Sweden.

"Excellent mathematical research and access to leading mathematicians are of great importance for many new innovations," said Peter Wallenberg Jr., Chairman of the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation in a statement.

"The availability of eminent mathematicians is often decisive for other research areas, particularly in the life sciences. It is therefore extremely important, both for Swedish research and business development, and for Sweden to maintain and develop the proud traditions that it has established in this area."

The first 15 recipients of funding were designated in 2014. Another 17, of which six concern KTH. Read more on the Academy's website , or at KAW's website for recipients and their respective research.

Jill Klackenberg