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Three KTH scholars nominated for EURYI Awards

Published Mar 28, 2007

Three young research scholars from KTH have now been nominated for the European Young Investigator Awards, EURYI. This is a prestigious scientific prize – a total of 20 nominees will be sharing about one million Euros, once the final ”exams” have been completed. Three of the candidates are working at our university:

  • Anna Delin, Dept. of Materials Science, KTH – subject area: Computational Nanomagnetism
  • Fahmi Himo, Dept. of Biotechnology, KTH – subject area: Computational Enzymology
  • Anna-Karin Tornberg, Dept. of Numerical Analysis & Computer Science, KTH – subject area: Computational modeling of systems with dynamic geometries

These three candidates will now be scrutinized by an international panel; its results will be made public in July this year. The winners will share the prize money over a period of five years.

A total of 474 scientists applied for this funding via their national research funding bodies. Sweden received the highest number of these; 79 applications. Out of these, seven have been nominated. Five of these applicants are working in subject areas of natural science, one in medicine, and one in liberal arts & humanities.

The EURYI awards are given to young scholars of excellence from all over the world, working in all types of disciplines. Their aim is to enable them to found and establish their own new research teams at various universities etc. situated in Europe.

These awards have been granted since 2004 – this is the third time Sweden does contribute to them. Last year two of these awards were captured by Swedish scholars. The Swedish Science Foundation and Swedish Research Council are backing the Swedish part of the effort.

The EURYI Awards were established by EuroHORCs, which is a joint body of directors of various European science foundations. Support is also had from ESF, the European Science Foundation. The competition is open to all academic disciplines – however, applicants must have won their own doctor´s degree in the time span of from two to eight years back.

Belongs to: About KTH
Last changed: Mar 28, 2007