Here are the 50 latest publications from the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
M. Kane, N. Taylor and D. Månsson,
"Electromagnetic Interference from Solar Photovoltaic Systems : A Review,"
Electronics, vol. 14, no. 1, 2025.
J. Stude et al.,
"Measurement report : Rocket-borne measurements of large ions in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere - detection of meteor smoke particles,"
Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 383-396, 2025.
S. Imtiaz,
"Machine Learning Based Resource Allocation for Future Wireless Networks,"
Doctoral thesis Stockholm, Sweden : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-EECS-AVL, 2025:18, 2025.
J. Llewellyn et al.,
"Assessing the impact of energy coaching with smart technology interventions to alleviate energy poverty,"
Scientific Reports, vol. 15, no. 1, 2025.
E. Kanhov, A.-K. Kaila and B. L. T. Sturm,
"Innovation, data colonialism and ethics : critical reflections on the impacts of AI on Irish traditional music,"
Journal of New Music Research, pp. 1-17, 2025.
E. Saad and P. R. Brunsell,
"Error field correction in reversed field pinch with feedback stabilization of resistive wall mode,"
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 67, no. 2, 2025.
F. Ruggeri,
"Explainable Reinforcement Learning for Mobile Network Optimization,"
Licentiate thesis Stockholm, Sweden : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-EECS-AVL, 2025:17, 2025.
B. Zaar et al.,
"Enhanced ion heating using a TWA antenna in DEMO-like plasmas,"
Journal of Plasma Physics, vol. 91, no. 1, 2025.
O. Samperi et al.,
"Effects of ion channelling on 350 keV proton implantation of 4H-SiC measured by D-SIMS and DLTS defect profiling,"
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, vol. 190, 2025.
D. Gkontoras et al.,
"Bi-level framework for planning assessment of distribution grids based on smart grid technologies and conventional grid upgrades,"
Applied Energy, vol. 383, 2025.
T. Lindeberg,
"Orientation selectivity properties for the affine Gaussian derivative and the affine Gabor models for visual receptive fields,"
Journal of Computational Neuroscience, pp. 1-38, 2025.
T. Lindeberg,
"Approximation properties relative to continuous scale space for hybrid discretisations of Gaussian derivative operators,"
Frontiers in Signal Processing, vol. 4, pp. 144784-1-144784-12, 2025.
Y. Xiao et al.,
"Guest Editorial : Integrated Ground-Air-Space Wireless Networks for 6G Mobile-Part II,"
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 1-4, 2025.
D. Gürgünoğlu,
"Channel Estimation and Interference Mitigation for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces,"
Doctoral thesis Stockholm : Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, TRITA-EECS-AVL, 2025:8, 2025.
H. Johansson et al.,
"Impacts of grid-forming inverters on distance protection,"
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 19, no. 1, 2025.
G. Belgioioso et al.,
"Online Feedback Equilibrium Seeking,"
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 203-218, 2025.
M. Asoodar,
"Online Condition Monitoring, Adaptive Control, and Novel Submodule Designs in Cascaded H-Bridge and Modular Multilevel Converters,"
Doctoral thesis Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-EECS-AVL, 2025:12, 2025.
X. Hou et al.,
"Guest Editorial : Near-Field MIMO Technologies Toward 6G,"
IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 20-21, 2025.
J. Zhang et al.,
"Byzantine-Robust and Communication-Efficient Personalized Federated Learning,"
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 73, pp. 26-39, 2025.
S. Ghimire et al.,
"Functional specifications and testing requirements for grid-forming offshore wind power plants,"
Wind Energy Science, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1-15, 2025.
A. Alkhatib,
"Addressing Shortcomings of Explainable Machine Learning Methods,"
Doctoral thesis Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-EECS-AVL, 2025:11, 2025.
D. O. Novaes et al.,
"Estimation of Effective Momentum Diffusivity and Its Correlation with Neutral Particle Density Based on Toroidal Rotation Profiles in the TCABR Tokamak,"
Brazilian journal of physics, vol. 55, no. 1, 2025.
L. Dittrich,
"Erosion-deposition and fuel retention on plasma-facing components in fusion reactors,"
Doctoral thesis Stockholm, Sweden : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-EECS-AVL, 2025:14, 2025.
C. Li et al.,
"Dessie: Disentanglement for Articulated 3D Horse Shape and Pose Estimation from Images,"
in Computer Vision – ACCV 2024 - 17th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Proceedings, 2025, pp. 268-288.
Z. Wang,
"Distributionally Robust Optimization, Control and Games,"
Licentiate thesis Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-EECS-AVL, 2025:7, 2025.
E. Krämer et al.,
"Jets Downstream of Collisionless Shocks : Recent Discoveries and Challenges,"
Space Science Reviews, vol. 221, no. 1, 2025.
Z. Wang,
"Outlier-Robust Distributionally Robust Optimization via Unbalanced Optimal Transport,"
in NeurIPS 2024 - The Thirty-Eighth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Vancouver Convention Center, 10-15 Dec, 2024, 2025.
L. Guastoni et al.,
"Fully convolutional networks for velocity-field predictions based on the wall heat flux in turbulent boundary layers,"
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, vol. 39, no. 1, 2025.
A. S. Penamakuri, K. Chhatre and A. Jain,
"Audiopedia : Audio QA with Knowledge,"
in International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2025, 2025.
N. Jansson et al.,
"Design of Neko—A Scalable High‐Fidelity Simulation Framework With Extensive Accelerator Support,"
Concurrency and Computation, vol. 37, no. 2, 2025.
I. A. Meer,
"AI Assisted Mobility Management for Cellular Connected UAVs,"
Doctoral thesis Sweden : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-EECS-AVL, 2025:10, 2025.
A. Jaber, I. Koufos and M. Christopoulou,
"A Comprehensive State-of-the-Art Review for Digital Twin : Cybersecurity Perspectives and Open Challenges,"
in Advances on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing : The 19th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC-2024), 2025, pp. 78-98.
R. A. González et al.,
"Identification of additive continuous-time systems in open and closed loop,"
Automatica, vol. 173, 2025.
E. Ayaz et al.,
"Narrowband and Wideband Dual-Mode Wireless Power Transfer System With a Single Transmitter,"
IEEE transactions on power electronics, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 135-141, 2025.
E. Listo Zec,
"Decentralized deep learning in statistically heterogeneous environments,"
Doctoral thesis Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-EECS-AVL, 2025:4, 2025.
A. Longhini,
"Adapting to Variations in Textile Properties for Robotic Manipulation,"
Doctoral thesis : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-EECS-AVL, 2025:1, 2025.
A. Mehrpanah, E. Englesson and H. Azizpour,
"On Spectral Properties of Gradient-Based Explanation Methods,"
in Computer Vision – ECCV 2024 - 18th European Conference, Proceedings, 2025, pp. 282-299.
Y. Ju et al.,
"Dynamic Resource Management for In-Situ Techniques Using MPI-Sessions,"
in Recent advances in the message passing interface, EUROMPI 2024, 2025, pp. 105-120.
C. Li,
"Capturing the Shape and Pose of Horses in 3D,"
Doctoral thesis Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-EECS-AVL, 2025:3, 2025.
T. Lindeberg,
"A time-causal and time-recursive analogue of the Gabor transform,"
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 1450-1480, 2025.
J. Amilon and D. Gurov,
"Deductively Verified Program Models for Software Model Checking,"
in Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Specification and Verification - 12th International Symposium, ISoLA 2024, Proceedings, 2025, pp. 8-25.
Y. Gao et al.,
"Adaptive Task Planning and Formal Control Synthesis Using Temporal Logic Trees,"
in Real Time and Such : Essays Dedicated to Wang Yi to Celebrate His Scientific Career, Susanne Graf, Paul Pettersson, Bernhard Steffen Ed., : Springer Nature, 2025, pp. 64-78.
T. Wang, N. Wang and S. He,
"Fast complete Mueller matrix polarimetry microscopy using a single polarization camera,"
Optics and lasers in engineering, vol. 184, 2025.
K. Hammar and R. Stadler,
"Intrusion Tolerance as a Two-Level Game,"
in Decision and Game Theory for Security - 15th International Conference, GameSec 2024, Proceedings, 2025, pp. 3-23.
Y. Si, S. Li and S. He,
"A novel deep learning algorithm for Phaeocystis counting and density estimation based on feature reconstruction and multispectral generator,"
Neurocomputing, vol. 611, 2025.
H. Reihani et al.,
"An LMI approach to solve interval power flow problem under Polytopic renewable resources uncertainty,"
Applied Energy, vol. 377, 2025.
O. Stenhammar, G. Fodor and C. Fischione,
"AI-aided Channel Prediction,"
in Artificial Intelligence for Future Networks, Mohammad A. Matin, Sotirios K. Goudos, George K. Karagiannidis Ed., : Wiley, 2025.
S. Gracy et al.,
"Modeling and analysis of a coupled SIS bi-virus model,"
Automatica, vol. 171, 2025.
Y. Cheng et al.,
"Differential laser-induced thermoelastic spectroscopy for dual-gas CO2/CH4 detection,"
Measurement, vol. 240, 2025.