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NAVET WEEK 2022 - Day 2 at KMH Royal College of Music

NAVET welcomes you to NAVET WEEK 2022, a week of activities, open for everyone (free admission), including live performances, interactive installations, presentations and workshops distributed between KTH, KMH Royal College of Music, SKH Stockholm University of the Arts, Konstfack and Scenkonstmuseet – The Swedish Museum of Performing Arts.

Time: Tue 2022-12-13 09.00 - 18.00

Location: Valhallavägen 105

Video link: zoom

Language: English

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KMH Royal College of Music  will offer presentation from a wide range of research projects by PhD students and faculty, including a session dedicate to "Sound and Light Interaction", a dance performance and screening of two newyly produced audio-visual representations.

Please register to the NAVET WEEK 2022 events here:  NAVET WEEK 2022 registration form .

More information about the NAVET WEEK 2022 at .

9.00-14.00 KMH, Lilla salen, Valhallavägen 105

Address: Flaggmansvägen 1, 111 49 Stockholm

9.00-11.30 Research at KMH

9.00-9.10 Johannes Landgren Welcome and introduction

9.10-9.30 Thanh Thuy Nguyen Video essay: "The Sorrow Turns Yellow"

9.30-9.45 George Kentros "Back to the future: case studies in alternative interpretation."

9.45-10.00 Susanne Rosenberg "A tight rope walk" artistic process and research

10.00-10.25 PAUS

10.25-10.45 Kim Hedås Nu (2021) electroacoustic piece in 29.4, 11’30’’

10.45-11.00 Anna Backman Bister Choir leader practice – what and in what cultural environments? (Anna Backman Bister, Pia Bygdéus & Cecilia Jepsson)

11.00-11.10 Kaja Korošec The roles of music in the well-being of autistic adults

11.10-11.25 Klas Nevrin Intensive listening, radical relationality and the micropolitics of artistic co-creation

11.30-12.30 Lunch

12.30-14.00 Sound and Light: four presentations and panel discussion (KMH, Lilla salen)

12.30 Roberto Bresin (KTH) introduction

12.40 Derek Holzer (KTH) & Luka Aron (KMH), Laser Phase Synthesis

12.55 Claudio Panariello (KTH) & Emma Frid (KTH/IRCAM), Combining Sound, Light and Haptics in the Design of Accessible Multisensory Music Experiences for Pre-Verbal Children

13.10 Olof Misgeld (KMH & KTH), Dancing Dots - the exhibition

13.25 Johan Fröst (KMH & KTH), MAS-Music as Script

13.40 Panel discussion 

14.00-14.20 Hans Lindetorp (KMH & KTH) ,”Designing technology for sound and music in interactive media”

14.30-15.30 Stefan Carlén (Handels) Music in the store: How music affects retail workers

15.30-16.00 PAUS

Performance and audio-visual interpretations

16.00-16.30 Johan Fröst (KMH & KTH) Audio-visual interpretations from MAS-Music as Script

16.30-17.00 PAUS

17.00-17.30 Olof Misgeld (KMH & KTH) Performance: Dancing Dots - the exhibition

Sound and Light Installations

During the NAVET WEEK there are two light installations at the KTH Campus Valhallavägen which were presented during the Nobel Week Lights , two installations at Swedish Museum of Performing Arts ( Scenkonstmuseet ) and one installation in Flemingberg :