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About the platform

KTH Life Science Platform supports and catalyses interdisciplinary research in the Life Science field. The platform also facilitates interaction between expertise at KTH and external partners within academia, public organisations and companies with an interest in Life Science research.

Platform's role

The KTH Life Science Platform has two main roles:

  • To help scientists in different fields to interact in order to catalyse novel scientific ideas and facilitate new multidisciplinary collaborations. 
  • To help scientists identify possibilities for research funding and form research constellations and consortia.

Internally we work to assist the KTH management and Research support office in identifying competence for scientific expert panels and working groups, and help formulate drafts of policy documents and calls. Externally, we represent KTH in several centres and networks working for multidisciplinary efforts within life science in the Stockholm region.

An implicit goal for the Life Science Platform is to increase awareness among research funding bodies, and the society in general, about KTH’s excellence in life science and about the important role of technology in advancing both basic and applied research in Life Science.


Operational activities are run by the platform team . The team is managed by the platform steering group , consisting of the heads of schools and the KTH vice president for research who is responsible for KTH's research platforms . The platform also has a reference group.

The Platform of Life Science also encompasses several research groups at departments and divisions in the KTH school organisation and at competence centres  that are active in life science related research.