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Policy and Institutional Frameworks

Vision: support solutions and innovation through new insights on processes, rules, and choises affecting the performance of the transportation system.

Presentation of Policy and Institutional Frameworks

Research groups

Several research groups at departments and divisions in KTH's school organisation conduct research that fits into Policy and Institutional Frameworks.

Competence centres, EIT-KICs and SRAs

Also, research connected to Future Transportation Infrastructure is carried out at different competence centres  at KTH through the Strategic Research Areas (SRA)  and within collaboration in EIT-KICs related to transport .

About the research theme

Here is what Professor Yusak Susilo  has to say about the Policy and Institutional Frameworks theme:

What does this thematic area cover?
"This thematic area covers various different policy analysis, institutional, and governance issues. It aims to facilitate communication in finding solutions and innovation in a fast-changing city and transport environment through new insights on understanding processes from both users' and stakeholders’ perspectives, regulations and providing inclusive choices affecting the performance of the transportation system and well-being of transport users."

What is happening in the thematic area?

"Many. Given the Stockholm city vision to be a walkable-city and free-fossil fuels city, creating a human-centred city and transport infrastructure is becoming more and more important. With the fast-growing cities and fast-moving technologies, the city needs to adapt quickly. The regulations and planning processes are becoming much more complex and comprehensive, which can evolve into a burden rather than a helpful process. This requires us to find more innovative, effective, and adaptive solutions and regulation frameworks that can accommodate progress within the corridor of the existing laws and society needs."