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Number of hits: 7

  • An alternative to the cancelled Eurovision: AI Song Contest

    KTH Associate Professor Bob Sturm has teamed up with Pietro Bolcato, a master’s student at KTH and Sven Ahlbäck, professor of Swedish folk music at the Royal College of Music and the Stockholm-based startup company Doremir, to compete this week in the AI Song Contest. An international artificial intelligence music competition organized by independent broadcasting company VPRO. Sturm, Bolcato and Ahlbäck gave us an interview about the project.

  • AI created more than 100,000 pieces of music after analyzing Irish and English folk tunes

    At turns lively and yearning, the traditional folk musics of Ireland and Britain have made their mark around the world. Now this perennially popular music is helping computers learn to become a new kind of partner in music creation.

  • A new software that democratises AI development

    A new piece of software is making it easier to create solutions within AI (artificial intelligence). The program, QuantumNet, has been produced by KTH students who want more people to be involved in the creation of AI solutions. In addition, the program enables AI experts to develop AI models more efficiently.

  • The brain can become a cornerstone of artificial intelligence

    Researchers at KTH, and US universities MIT and Cornell have been studying the work memory in the brains of monkeys. Hopefully, their newly-acquired knowledge about how memory works will not only play a part in how artificial intelligence can be designed, but also the way in which brain diseases are treated.

  • He discovers heart defects by using artificial intelligence

    When, on 18 January, a judging panel, including the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth and the Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum, announced the winner of the title Årets Studentföretagare (Student Entrepreneur of the Year) 2018, the vote fell on KTH student Max M Mohammadi. One of many factors leading to Mohammadi winning the title was his development of Heartstrings, a technique for early-stage diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases using artificial intelligence.

  • Department of Intelligent Systems

    We conduct research and education in the general area of intelligent systems. Our research activities range from basic and theoretical to applications in autonomous systems, robotics, AI and machine learning, media processing, sensors, micro and nanosystems, and communications.

  • Joint Symposium between KTH and Kyushu University: Digital Revolution for a Sustainable Future

    KTH and Kyushu University will hold an online symposium on sustainabiltiy and the digital revolution.