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  • Energy-autonomous embedded systems

    Prof. Prof. Peter Woias, IMTEK, University of Freiburg, is acting as opponent on the thesis defense of Henrik Gradin, "Heterogeneous Integration of Shape Memory Alloys for High Performance Microvalves" at 10:00 in E3, Osquars backe 14. In conjunction with this, he will also give a seminar entitled "Energy-autonomous embedded systems". You are all very welcome Göran Stemme

  • New dimensions of 3D printing

    A drawing programme and a 3D printer: in the future, that’s all it will take to produce customised micro- and nanoscale silicon structures for sensors and other devices.

  • Heterogeneous Material Integration for MEMS

    It is a pleasure for me to invite you to attend the PhD defense of Fredrik Forsberg on Friday, October 25th at 10 am. The title of the thesis is “Heterogeneous Material Integration for MEMS” and the opponent is Prof. P.M. Sarro from Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands. Frank Niklaus

  • Off-Stoichiometry Thiol-Enes (OSTE) - The first polymer system developed for labs-on-chip

    The problem: The field of lab-on-chip (LoC) has demonstrated the integration of several chemical functions onto a single chip device, and has evolved as a research field on its own during the past decade, as is illustrated by the more than 10 000 papers published in the field. Nevertheless, the number of commercial LoC products remains very low. To a large extent, this research-to-application gap can be ascribed to the lack of a consistent material and fabrication technology for both academia and production.

  • Development of RF-MEMS switches for space applications

    Prof. Pierre Blondy, who is acting as opponent on the thesis defense of Nutapong Somjit at 9.30 in Q1, will also give a seminar at 15.00 in Q2 on his activities in RF/microwave micro-electromechanical systems.

  • Updated brain valve releases the pressure

    The condition creates dementia-like symptoms and affects around 2,000 Swedes each year. We are referring to an excess of cerebral fluid because of a defect in the flow of cerebrospinal fluid. A solution where a valve is surgically placed behind the ear has previously resolved the issue, but it appears that the valve after just a few years often clogs up completely and must be replaced. The KTH researcher has now found a solution and can thereby introduce Hjärnventil 2.0 (Brain valve 2.0).