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Number of hits: 10
- ICMI 2021 Best Paper Award Nomination!
- Best paper award at ICMI 2020!
- TMH gets a best paper award at IVA 2020
- TMH gets Jury award at IVA Gala 2021
- TMH awarded best paper award at HRI 2021
- TMH gets Honourable Mention at IVA 2021!
- Eurographics 2020 honourable mention award
- SAIS Master's Thesis Award 2020
How to predict a conversation
The SIGIDAL best paper award went to Erik Ekstedt and Gabriel Skantze from Speech, Music and Hearing (TMH). Their model learns to predict what will happen in the next two seconds of the conversation. The research improves the interaction between humans and conversational systems, such as social robots or voice assistants.
Research on generating a faster iteration and a more personal voice for digital assistants
Shivam Mehta, doctoral student at the Division of Speech, Music and Hearing, congratulations on winning the Poster exhibition at the EECS Winter Conference.