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Public Licentiate Seminar of Xin Tao

Welcome to the public licentiate seminar of Xin Tao on 20 May 2020 at 13:00.

Title: Towards effective fault diagnosis for driverless vehicles
Discussion partners:
Erik Frisk, Professor, Linköping University
Håkan Warnquist, Senior Researcher, Scania

Time: Wed 2020-05-20 15.00

Location: Zoom (

Participating: Xin Tao

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Welcome to the public licentiate seminar of Xin Tao on 20 May 2020 at 13:00.

The seminar will be held on Zoom at this  link.

Feel free to distribute the invitation to others who may be interested.


A driverless vehicle, also known as autonomous vehicle, is capable of sensing its environment and moving safely without human drivers. For a driverless vehicle, the absence of human driver degrades the fault diagnosis capability largely. Therefore, the design of a new fault diagnosis system of driverless vehicle is essential for the availability of this emerging technology. Towards this goal, previous research has been done on feature analysis and probabilistic inference of fault condition of system components. Related concepts and methods are verified through simulation of sensor model in a driving context. Future research towards PhD will be focused on the development of new probabilistic fault diagnosis methods, and the analysis and design of new fault diagnosis system of driverless vehicle on a system level.