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Commissioned education in language, communication and global competences

Communicative skills are more important than ever in the world of work. Every engineer, researcher and technician must be able to express themselves in speech and writing in good Swedish, English and possibly master a foreign or third language as well. Many employers recognize this and are willing to invest in developing the skills of their employees.

What is commissioned education?

Commissioned education is a very important part of the university’s ‘third mission’—working with and sharing knowledge with society. Commissioned education is when an employer pays for their employees to develop their skills. This takes place in the form of a:

  • Commissioned place on a course—the employer pays for each employee’s participation in a course within the existing course offering, providing there is space in the course
  • Open course/education – when there is a need and when the university has capacity, a special course can be created that is open to application from participants from different organizations.
  • Tailored education—the education is tailored and adapted to the customer’s needs.

Previous customers

Language and Communication has sold individual spaces on courses and given tailored education to, for example, Patent- och registreringsverket, Internationella Ingenjörer (AMS), Lidingö Tekniska kontor, Formas, BEA Systems, FOI, Tågia.
