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Test Drive Deeptech

Solve big problems

A program for you who are ready to build a company based on advanced technology.

About the program

Test Drive Deeptech is for people who are ready to build a company that uses cutting-edge advanced technology to solve big societal problems. The program is run by KTH Innovation in partnership with Sting , the largest startup ecosystem in the Nordics.

In the program:

  • Learn from a series of practical workshops about business-critical areas like business models, sales strategies, entry barriers, internationalization, financing options, and leadership. All workshops start at 17:00 and run for 3-4 hours.

  • Learn how to build a successful business based on the lean canvas model, a strategic template for developing business models and a popular tool used by entrepreneurs worldwide.

  • Get hands-on support from experienced business coaches.

  • Gain a higher understanding of the challenges that research-based and other deeptech startups often face.

  • Complete practical tasks that help you develop your business.

  • At the end of the program, you get to present your company to the other participants and get the chance to win best pitch.

What do we mean by "deeptech"?

“Deeptech” is a name for advanced technologies that address important societal problems with new, difficult-to-copy technical solutions. This can be in the fields of biotechnology, new materials, artificial intelligence, energy technology, robotics, AR and VR, to give a few examples.

If you are a researcher at KTH, chances are your technology will fall under this category.

About the program

What: Four hands-on workshops plus a final pitch event.

Who can apply: The program was created for teams with an innovative business idea or startup that’s based on a pioneering deeptech solution. We welcome people working across all industries, but your solution must have international growth potential. We like to see mixed-gender teams that consist of 2-3 people. Teams from anywhere in Sweden are welcome to apply.

Cost: The program is free of charge. We take no ownership in your idea. 

Admission: 10-12 companies/projects are accepted for each test drive.

Secrecy: All participants and organizers sign a confidentiality agreement. No information about the business concept, technology or participant names will be shared outside the program without your consent.

After the program: After the program you will have grown your knowledge of entrepreneurship and commercialization. In a condensed amount of time you will have gained higher insights into your technology's potential to create impact and your way forward.