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Biofuel research awarded 25 million SEK

Published Jun 25, 2013

A researcher at KTH Royal Institute of Technology has been awarded 25 million SEK as part of a Swedish and European effort to develop the use of the sea as a source of energy and other products, such as feed, food and valuable chemicals.

Fredrik Gröndahl

“We are going to use biomass from cultured kelp algae, and use a bio refinery concept to produce food, feed, chemicals and energy in a sustainable way,” says Fredrik Gröndahl, associate professor of Industrial Ecology at KTH. “This is a part of Europe and Sweden focus on Blue Growth to develop the use of the sea in a sustainable manner.”

In addition to 25 million SEK awarded by the Swedish Research Council Formas, Gröndahl says the five-year project has received contributions of 6 million SEK from industrial and regional partners.

The project is part of a Swedish strategy for a bio-based economy as well as the Baltc Sea Strategy. It involves cross-disciplinary expertise from partners at Gothenburg University, Chalmers University, Linne University and KTH’s Department of Polymer Chemistry.

A related project, led by Industrial Biotechnology Professor Gen Larsson, also received 25 million SEK in funding from Formas.

Visit the Formas website to learn more.