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You, your partner and children under 18 are insured by KTH during your contract period at KTH. Please notice that the insurance is only valid in Sweden. Once your contract with KTH or your residence permit expires the insurance is no longer valid.

Students walking inside on the KTH Campus

Insurance for employees, visitors and guests of KTH

Spouses and children residing in Sweden are included. Any additional insurance is your responsibility.

Insurance for Foreign Visitors

Civic registration and Health Care

If you have a permit that lasts for more than 12 months,you will need to visit the tax office to get a personnummer (personal number, like a social security number). The personnummer will, among other things, give you access to hospital care and medicine on the same terms as any Swedish citizen.

The Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan)

If you plan to stay in Sweden more than 365 days, and you have been granted a personnummer through the tax office, you will need to then register with the Försäkringskassan. If you are an employee at KTH, and you pay Swedish taxes, you should send in the application in order to apply for an EU Health Card.

People who receive scholarships do not pay tax in Sweden and can therefore not get full insurance from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency.

Form 5456 for registration at Försäkringskassan

A scholarship holder's insurance coverage

A scholarship holder does not have the same insurance coverage as an employee or a registered person in Ladok. If KTH is your workplace, KTH as an employer is responsible, according to the Work Environment Act. Scholarship holders are not included in KTH’s Occupational Injury Insurance. The scholarship is also not a basis for benefits such as pension nor is it income qualified for sick leave allowance, tax relief, children’s allowance, or an EU Health Card.

Graduate students are included in the personal injury insurance (the general student insurance) that is covered for Universities and Colleges in Centrala Studiestödsnämnden’s governmental insurance system. The insurance is valid for studies in Sweden and students are insured during their time at the place of study and also during direct transport between home and school. The insurance covers personal damages caused by accident and in some cases, of illness through contamination. The insurance covers both Swedish and international students.

S1 form for proof of insurance

Sick-and parental leave insurance for research students with scholarships

International PhD students and scholarship holders can apply for sick-or parental leave through Kammarkollegiet, according to the same stipulations as those who are a part of Försäkringskassan. It is important to report to Kammarkollegiet when you are sick, even if you just think it just might be a few days. This even applies if you are home, taking care of a sick child (VAB).

Sick or parental leave insurance through Kammarkollegiet

Household insurance

Most landlords require that you have a household insurance (hemförsäkring). Only people with a personnummer will be able to get a household insurance. We strongly recommend you to get a private household insurance policy as soon as you have received your personnummer. Household insurance will not only cover you and your belongings within your apartment, it will even cover incidents outside of your apartment, for instance, if you by accident break something in another person’s home, if you lose your mobile phone on the metro, if your belonging are stolen off the train, etc. Most Swedish household insurance policies also include worldwide travel insurance for a maximum of 45 days/trip. This might be a good idea if you didn't bring travel insurance with you from home. Travel insurance will cover you if you, due to illness, need to stay a couple of days extra (additional hotel night, fees for hospital, costs for taxis and new rebooked flight tickets for example). Travel insurance will also cover for theft, loss of luggage, etc.

An Swedish household insurance policy is about 1500SEK/year for a single person living in a rented apartment.

Sufficient insurance is your responsibility.

Please contact the companies below for quotes:

Children's Insurance

Insurance for your children is important because the insurance from your child's pre-school, school or your household insurance policy will not cover everything. You should sign up for children's insurance as soon as possible (even before the child is born). It is important is that it covers life threatening/chronical illness, accidents etc.. The child and/ or the parent needs a personnummer to sign up for children's insurance, and it costs about 3000 SEK/year per child. Contact the insurance companies above for estimates.