Development of remote analysis data use for planning safe environments
The purpose of the project is to understand how remote data analysis sheds light on the relationships between urban environments, levels and patterns for specific crimes. We examine, with qualitative and quantitative analysis, the relationship between properties of the built environment from extracted and conventional data.

Project leader: Vania A Ceccato
Doctoral Student: Ioannis Ioannidis
Participating researchers: Dr Andrea Nascetti, KTH and Robert Haining, Professor Emeritus, University of Cambridge
Research projects funded by FORMAS (2020-01999)
The way we build, monitor and maintain cities impacts critically on how safe they are for their citizens. Current methodologies used to obtain information about the urban environment relevant for crime reduction are time consuming and often costly. Because remote sensing offers a relatively inexpensive and accurate way to capture frequently updated information about the urban environment, we investigate how remote sensing sheds light on the relationships between urban environments and levels and patterns of particular crimes.
We explore, using qualitative and quantitative analysis, the relationship between characteristics of the built environment extracted from remote sensing and conventional data (factors that also affect levels and geography of crime). We identify areas that are most at risk and hence in need of intervention using remote sensing data as a safety monitoring tool, having stakeholders being part of the research in co-creation processes.
The study finalizes with recommendations to stakeholders and 4-6 internationally peer-reviewed academic publications. For theory, findings provide more detailed insights into the role of the environment on crime commission. For practice, they can be helpful for planning new residential areas as well as for tackling safety problems in existing neighborhoods, which is in line with UN-Habitat Safer city program and the key aspirations of Goal 11 of the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.